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M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:46 pm
by AndrewD
Starting with M1 Tune version beta versions are now publicly available. This version can now be downloaded from MoTeC Online. The release notes can also be viewed before downloading the software.

M1 Tune 1.4 installs beside M1 Tune 1.3 and is backwards compatible with all public packages supported by M1 Tune 1.3. Note that i2 1.1 is required for Logged Data retrieved by M1 Tune 1.4.

We think this update is ready for release and would appreciate your feedback.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:52 am
by greenamex2
Comments as follows

Specific to the release

Get invalid data on wheel speed sensor hysteresis (m130 gpa package)

Not specific to release

Still freezes if click on some x to close window (eg quick launch)

Not tablet friendly eg can't grab and slide an individual window

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 1:04 pm
by AndrewD
denis bassom wrote:Specific to the release

Get invalid data on wheel speed sensor hysteresis (m130 gpa package)

Thanks - added as Bug #13568

denis bassom wrote:Not specific to release

Still freezes if click on some x to close window (eg quick launch)

Not tablet friendly eg can't grab and slide an individual window

Clicking the 'x' to close quick launch and the few other places I tried works for me with M1 Tune on XP and Win8 (laptop - no touch screen). There were some crashes / unusual behaviours when clicking 'x' or pressing ESC in some locations in but we have fixed the cases we are aware of.

Which operating system are you using when this crashes for you?

Unfortunately Tune is not yet optimised for touch screens, we will do some work to improve this but there are no improvements in this area in the current beta.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:00 pm
by greenamex2
Windows 8.1

I'll try on my non-touch screen PC when I get home and report back.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:26 am
by Ben-S
On my computer there is display bug that involves many of the display windows. I've attached a picture of the issue as well as info about my computer.

Some of the windows are black instead of white, but still nothing displays. If you right click on the blank window and click display list or display tree it fixes the issue but only until you close tune.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:59 am
by AndrewD
denis bassom wrote:Windows 8.1

I'll try on my non-touch screen PC when I get home and report back.

I grabbed a MS Surface and found that I occasionally get some unusual behaviour when clicking x on the touch screen but not with the mouse. We'll see what improvements we can make - testing with touch screens hasn't been a priority.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:04 pm
by AndrewD
Ben-S wrote:On my computer there is display bug that involves many of the display windows. I've attached a picture of the issue as well as info about my computer.

Thanks Ben,

We discovered this regression shortly after the beta was uploaded. This issue:

Bug #13561 Calibrate control sometimes just shows blank help after loading package

Will be fixed in the next beta which should be uploaded today.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:19 pm
by AndrewD
denis bassom wrote:Not specific to release

Still freezes if click on some x to close window (eg quick launch)

Ben-S wrote:On my computer there is display bug that involves many of the display windows.

Both these issues are fixed in the new Beta,, which was just uploaded. You should see the spinning update notification near the MoTeC logo next time you start M1 Tune.

Tune is still not touchscreen friendly, but at least it will now no-longer freeze when you tap on the pin or X icons.

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:27 am
by greenamex2
denis bassom wrote:Comments as follows

Specific to the release

Get invalid data on wheel speed sensor hysteresis (m130 gpa package)

Not specific to release

Still freezes if click on some x to close window (eg quick launch)

Both the above now resolved...thanks

Re: M1 Tune beta

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:50 am
by AndrewD
denis bassom wrote:Both the above now resolved...thanks

Thanks for the confirmation.