Nitrous activate/rest parameters m130

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Nitrous activate/rest parameters m130

Postby Clemens on Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:49 am

Hi again!
I have aquestion regarding Nitrous activate and reset parameters in general, just to be sure I understand that right. It would be great, if someone of the motec veterans could confirm on this.
The activate parameters are clear to me, but as far as I understand it the reset parameters have to be met so the nitrous can be activated by the activate parameters again like if I set throttle position to 50 percent and reset to 48, throttle ha s to drop below or at 48 percent that the nitrous can be activated again at 50 percent throttle Especially the engine speed limit parameters are important to me. For example if my main limiter is set to 7500 and I set the nitrous engine speed limit margin at the activate parameters to 500 and the engine speed limit margin at the reset parameters to 700, nitrous is deactivated at 7500 and rpm has to drop to 7300 to be reactivated.
The time and delay at the stage settings are both set to zero.
Thanks a lot in advance!
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Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:08 am

Re: Nitrous activate/rest parameters m130

Postby NathanB on Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:51 am

The activate parameters are responsible for the nitrous activating. ALL of the enable parameters that have been setup, as you can see below all the activate conditions are met except for engine speed, which means the nitrous is not active.

GPRP - Nitrous not active.jpg
GPRP - Nitrous not active.jpg (1.24 MiB) Viewed 3015 times

Once all of the activate conditions are met, and none of the reset parameters are met, the nitrous will activate (inline with any delay and time limit conditions.

GPRP - Nitrous active.jpg
GPRP - Nitrous active.jpg (1.21 MiB) Viewed 3015 times

The reset conditions are what turn the nitrous off. The reset name is a little bit misleading. If any of the reset conditions are met, the reset will enable, disabling the nitrous.

GPRP - Throttle nitrous reset reached for delay period so nitrous reset.jpg
GPRP - Throttle nitrous reset reached for delay period so nitrous reset.jpg (1.12 MiB) Viewed 3015 times

You can see all the enable conditions are still met, but because the reset condition is active, the nitrous has stopped. When the reset condition is no longer active, the nitrous can resume, provided all the enable conditions are met. The nitrous time is reset every time the reset enables, so you should also keep this in mind.

In your case if you have the engine speed limit margin reset at 700 and the activate at 500, the nitrous will turn off 700 rpm before the rev limit as the reset condition will be enabled. With the throttle position, the reset of 48 will prevent the nitrous activating at any time the throttle is below 48%. but once the throttle is at 50% provided all activates are met the nitrous will activate.
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