Driver switch CAN

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Driver switch CAN

Postby chuckk on Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:30 pm

Hello guys,

Question regarding driver switch input. Lets say we have the input ressource via CAN.
CAN 0 offset 0
CAN 0 offset 2
CAN 0 offset 4
CAN 0 offset 6

I have my keypad buttons configured into my PDM (Message 0 with channels from 0 to 7) to send the activation to the M1. No I am not using the keypad directly with the M1.

The only time my driver switch status will activate is if I select offset ''2'' or ''4'' and use channel ''2'' or ''4''. Those are the only offsets I can activate my driver switch from toggling ''On'' or ''Off'' my keypad. The input voltage goes to 0.256V. If I choose to use lets say my channel ''0'' from my PDM, and use offset 0, it only changes from ''0'' to ''1mV''.

If I select offset 2 for example (and change my button to Channel 2 in PDM manager), it works.

And is there a way to see more than just 0.256V ?

Thanks for your help, I suck at this.
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Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:15 pm

Re: Driver switch CAN

Postby AdamW on Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:06 pm

The M1 "generic CAN" inputs are assumed to be 16bit values representing mV. The PDM only sends out 8 bits and the standard message sends out a 0 for off and a 1 for on. So 1mV for on would be the correct/expected result.

There may be easier hacks, but this is how I would do it:
In the PDM set up a counter like this pic - this is just used to generate a constant value of 255 (ie fill up the second byte).


Then you will set up the PDM CAN output message like below always using the same constant in the odd-numbered channels (LSB):


In the M1 the keypad button 1 will be received as input CAN 0 Offset 0, keypad button 2 will be CAN 0 offset 2.
If I have it right (A big ?? here), your M1 input will read 255mV for off and 511mV for on. This should be enough to allow the threshold & hysteresis to work.
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Re: Driver switch CAN

Postby chuckk on Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:14 pm

Great ! I will give that a try !

Thanks a lot, it is much appreciated
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:15 pm

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