I hope someone can help me here!
I have a race car using a Motec M8 ECU. The car was always a good starter until recently; now it simply will not start.
I have (I hope) eliminated all issues such as fuel and spark etc as I have 4 Bar fuel pressure and a good spark on all four plugs.
So, I have to assume that some sensor is down on the engine?
When I have managed to get the engine running (with some easy start!) it seems that it is running extremely rich for some reason. The plugs are fouling and it will not tick over (it seems the mixture evens out at higher revs).
The engine must be flooding when trying to start.
I have connected the ECU to the software and laptop package that came with the car and ran the diagnostics / errors check. The injectors all click away when testing them.
The only error i am getting is AT Error. Which is the Air temperature sensor.
This being faulty or even disconnected would not cause the engine to run so excessively rich would it?
Would anyone have any other ideas I could look into? Is there some give-away in the software that would indicate what it wrong?
I am afraid that I really am new to this kind of thing, so laymans terms please!!

Thanks for your time.