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EPS 3.4+

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 8:52 pm
by Vacsi_ Imre

One of my friend is an old Motec ECU (EPS 3.4+ E2). We wanted to wake up, but did not really want. The two programs in motec website I found these controllers. Both are connected to the ECU, but because of an error can not afford to do anything versions. One of the controller to 3.3 and 3.4, and the other has ... 4 controllers. With the new ECU program to allow more time here already I can get to the password dialog, but this time it also displays version error.



Re: EPS 3.4+

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:12 pm
by SprinterTRD
It sounds like you have a 2 Group ECU, Can you post the serial number to make sure.

If It is a 2 Group ECU and you want to use the MoTeC software you must have the transmit modem or use a modified PCI cable. The circuit to make the PCI cable work is on the MoTeC website.

From you description, will need to use/download the 2Group V3 software.

Once extracted, the directory should contain 2 .exe files EMP2V3 and EMP3V3

EMP2V3 is for a 2D mapping version of the ECU and EMP3V3 is for 3D mapping. If there is a "3D" printed somewhere on the ECU serial label then use the EMP3V3 software, if not try the EMP2V3 software.

Also note that the software was written for DOS so anything after windows XP probably wont work.

A 2Group ECU can also be tuned with a MoTeC hand calibrator, although just like the transmit modem's they are rare to find.

Re: EPS 3.4+

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by Vacsi_ Imre


The program was started under DOS.


Re: EPS 3.4+

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:40 am
by SprinterTRD
Yes, its a 2 group 3D mapping ECU so use the EMP3V3 software.