I have an "old skool" M8 ecu that's done sterling service in my rally car, and although it's getting on a bit now, it works well

However, i'd like to "Tee off" the crank VR sensor signal into another device. A quick check with a scopemeter shows that the M8 pulls up the VR sensor pins to 2.5v (half 5v rail) with what appears to be 10k impedance.
Unfortunately, the second device that i would like to use the sensor signal for uses a ground referenced VR sensor (ie sensor -ve is held at 0v).
So, to the question, why does the M8 use a 2.5v VR Sensor offset, and what happens if i "externally pull down" the VR sensor to 0v ref??
i guess the positive voltage offset used by the M8 could be for various reasons i can think of, such as diagnostics, or noise / spurious trigger reduction etc??
Thanks in advance for any help / information