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What sensors/stepper motors to use with 2 group ECUS?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:45 pm
by Turbofreak
Hello all,

I have a 2 group ECU and I am trying to make sure I use the correct sensors and stepper motors everywhere.

Can someone point me to a list of what works with these?

I have found the 026 Bosch coolant temp sensor is the right one, but I don't know which Lambda meter will work, which air temp sensor, what IAC stepper motor will work, etc.

Yes, I know they are old. I have a few of them now and a handheld calibrator to make them work!

Re: What sensors/stepper motors to use with 2 group ECUS?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:12 am
by AdamW
You cant use a stepper motor, the 2G can only do a two wire solenoid type idle valve.
Any air temp sensor with the normal GM or bosch resistance curve will work.
Lambda input only takes 1.5V so there are not many good easy choices if you want wideband. Input scaling is 0V=0Lam, 1.5V=1.5Lambda. If you use an aftermarket wideband controller with a programmable 0-5V output then you could use a voltage divider circuit to bring it into the right range. Narrowband will hook straight up and work if you are only looking for closed loop cruising.