Gold motec ecu

Discussion and support for discontinued MoTeC ECUs, including M8

Re: Gold motec ecu

Postby SprinterTRD on Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:47 pm

From what I remember each injector output can switch up to 24 amps so 4 x Bosch 363 .5 ohm injectors. The actual fuel flow size does not really matter however a too big injector for the engine will make the tuning difficult.

This particular 2 Group ECU can only be used with magnetic crank sensors so Hall style sensors cannot be used.

It has been updated to the latest 2Group firmware

As previously mentioned Since it has been updated you can use a pc to run the software however it must be a old one that has a old style serial chip in it with a old operating system on it. You will also need a transmit modem or build the interface described elsewhere on the forum. There was also a hand calibrator produced by MoTeC that could be used to tune them but you will need the correct sticker on it to match the menu structure in the ECU software
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