I am finalizing my wiring diagram for a Toyota 3SGE engine
Ref and Sync: Toyota 24/1 VR sensor
Coils - Mazda MX5 Hanshin-500B
High Z Injectors
Regarding the Ref and Sync sensor, it is unclear looking at drawing T11 (by Motec) if the wire shield is connected to pin 22A or if it is also connected to pin 35 and 32 (unlikely). Or should I wire the shield to pin 22 and the sensor ground to pins 32 and 35?
Here is the confusing diagram

Can I run wasted spark and sequential fuel?
If I want to run batch fire and wasted spark should I wire all four injector outputs or should I share them 2 +2?
Here is the diagram I have so far. Can you spot anything out of order?

Sorry for all the questions but its my first time using Motec!
Kind Regards,