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Torque split adjustment

PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 11:10 am
by rayhall
This is how the stock ECU controls the torque split

In Normal driving mode the centre diff uses a 60:40 front/rear torque split, while Track mode shifts this to a 50:50 torque split, and Sport mode flips to a 30:70 torque split to lend rear-drive-style handling characteristics

I want the same with my Motec plugin.

What values do I need in the track mode table to get a 50:50 tourqe split.


Re: Torque split adjustment

PostPosted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:51 am
by z0mgchris

looks like you need this - 61466 - TOYOTA YARIS GR 2020 DIFF LOOM

Then it's controlled via differential > rear > Clutch > control > pick the table you want. Looks like values of 5000 "Nm" will give you a 50:50? but you may need to experiment there.

Values in the base file look to be 40 rear in zero / normal, 50 in one / track and finally 70 in two / sport.

This is all theory and going by looking at the basemap (1.11.0170) with diff control.