Seeking OBD2 Fault Request & Processing Consulting

information about how to make an ECU (MoTeC or non MoTeC) work with a MoTeC dash or data logger

Seeking OBD2 Fault Request & Processing Consulting

Postby ManMachineConsulting on Tue May 31, 2022 11:09 am

Ladies & Gents

Hope all is well. I am seeking someone for consulting or insight on utilizing a C185 dash logger as an OBD2 fault scanner tool for the most part. If I set aside a week I might be able to make it happen, if even possible, but I am not in a place to allocate the time. If this is something anyone is interested in creating a configuration for please reach out and we can discuss pricing etc.

The ECU on hand will ground a pin when faults are present. At the highest level I envision using this pin to trigger a momentary transmission of J1979 Mode/Service 03 request message via the C185. Then process the received message via "communication setup" configuration in the received channels to generate a specific constant value for the correlated fault code. The second and/or third DTC character generated when specific sensors fail would be previously used to create constant variables in the dash. Using the received message and the existing constants they could be compared with a "user condition" and/or "advanced math" channel we would then trigger a correlated dash warning.
A possible challenge is that it appears the fault message transmission for 2 or less faults are sent in ISO-TP single frame formats, but when 3 or more faults are present it shifts to a multi frame format.

The C185 has all options enabled except for T2 as of now.
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