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CAN Templates for production ECU's?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:00 pm
by olaaf
Is there a hidden database of production CAN templates (Ford Mustang, Corvette, etc.)?

In the C185 software there seems to be only racing ECU's, like Haltech, Pectel, Motec, etc.

or do people have to sniff the CAN and build their own each time? I'm looking in particular for the 2005-2009 Mustang.


Re: CAN Templates for production ECU's?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:09 pm
by adrian
The one thing to remember is that companies that produce motorsport or aftermarket ECUs tend to release information on their CAN messaging structure (all of MoTeC's are publicly available). This makes it easy create dash templates to read the CAN channels.

OEMs on the other hand never release their CAN information, this means that it needs to be reverse engineered for each individual vehicle. Depending on the complexity of the vehicle bus and what information you want to get, this can literally take months to do. Obviously this is a hugely expensive exercise and typically when people do complete this work they don't simply want to give it all out for free.

Unfortunately I don't have anything for the Mustang that I can release.