stevieturbo wrote:Jonny Rochester wrote:I just have a 32bit laptop with Windows 7, and I use the normal MoTeC ECU manager and Motec M400.
Windows wants me to upgrade to Windows 10. Are there any known problems?
If it ain't broke...don't fix it !
Ah...but what if something
is broken.
In my case, my laptop's VM didn't support IPV6, which is required to communicate with M1 series and C series dashes.
The new VM required a fresh install of the OS, and Windows 7 is no longer available in licensed form. (I had an IT guy looking for a month while doing a duplicate build for the shop) Windows 8 was not recommended, considering the other programs I run that are fairly heavy on resources.
Having bought 2 licenses of Windows 10 64 bit specifically to run Motec software, I'd like to get this working!
As a side note, I'm told that over 90% of Windows 10 licenses being sold are 64bit.