ACL Ethernet Connection and windows vista

Information on getting your PC to talk to your MoTeC product via RS232, CAN, USB or Ethernet.

ACL Ethernet Connection and windows vista

Postby hbefa on Tue May 15, 2012 7:43 am

Hello All,

I have some problems to connect to my ACL from a laptop running on vista.
With my previsous laptop, running on XP, no problem with static ip settings. I let the ACL with it's native address (169.254.64.xx xx is the serial number). And my laptop is static ip, mask Working fine.

With my new laptop, I try the same settings but it doesn't work. ACL manager is always searching device. Sometimes, but very few times, connection works but it's seems really difficult...

When I look further into network card properties, especially differences between my two laptops, I have Ipv6 / Ipv4 in my new laptop. Only Ipv4 in my old. I also have some tunneling network card in my new laptopt, maybe it could be had some problems with these things ??

If someone has some experience with ACL connection, or if Jamie look around this topic I will appreciate some help ;-)

Thank you.
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Re: ACL Ethernet Connection and windows vista

Postby Fast_Moto on Tue May 15, 2012 9:58 am

Try running the program as an administrator. I had a similar issue and this took care of it for me.
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Re: ACL Ethernet Connection and windows vista

Postby JamieA on Tue May 15, 2012 1:27 pm

It actually sounds like you are doing the right thing...

To (generally) guarentee an ACL connection, you should...

1) UNINSTALL all anti virus appilcations (diasable doesnt work)
2) leave the ACL with the native address (do not use the ip address override, it doesnt work except in win XP)
3) set a fixed IP address in the range of the ACL (as you have already)
4) set the subnet mask to (as you have done)

That should be enough to make it work...

have you done all of these?

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Re: ACL Ethernet Connection and windows vista

Postby hbefa on Wed May 16, 2012 8:39 am

Hello all,

thank you for your help Jamie but unfortunately, I already try all these settings. Nowadays, I will make some others try tomorrow.

the answers of Fast Moto is very interresting. I will try it !

Thank you guys. I will let you know if I can improve the connection between my laptop and my ACL !

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:36 am

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