PC comms - ERROR 0x4005 and 0x47 with J1939

Information on getting your PC to talk to your MoTeC product via RS232, CAN, USB or Ethernet.

PC comms - ERROR 0x4005 and 0x47 with J1939

Postby Vertigo on Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:09 pm

Hi everyone,
Could you help me troubleshoot my motec connection issues.

I am trying to read data (in CAN J1939) from an ECU (SCS Delta) with my PDM15.
Attached is the list of CAN messages sent by my ECU.

When I do not set any CAN input on the PDM I see that the PDM manager works fine.
When I set a CAN input in J1939, at first, I see on the PDM manager the CAN messages but after 5-10 seconds I get a 0x4005 and 0x47 error message.
In any case the CAN communication works fine, I just cannot reach the pdm manager anymore.

Note :
The CAN hardware is a strait wire (less than 30 cm) with only the motec, the ecu and the UTC on it.
I have the latest version of the PDM manager.

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: PC comms - ERROR 0x4005 and 0x47 with J1939

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:36 am

Does your ECU operate at the 1Mbit/s baud rate? Adding a device at a different baud rate will cause CAN communication errors.
David Ferguson
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Re: PC comms - ERROR 0x4005 and 0x47 with J1939

Postby Vertigo on Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:55 pm

Yes everything is configured at 500 kb/s. I receive the data for 5-10 secs so I guess that the rates are well configured.
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