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M1 DBW Setup

Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:03 pm
by Exigeman
Im just making the wiring diagram for my DBW setup using M130.
I have a dual track Bosch Pedal sensor and will use AV1 and 2 for the inputs.
The Throttle bodies have a dual track sensor and the Servo unit also has a dual track sensor.
Looking in the M1 tune I see that Pedal sensor dual track is ok, the Servo dual track is ok but the TPS only has one track.
Have I interpreted correct ?
In which case which sensor should be used for the TPS position - the servo or throttle body .. it seems more logical the actual throttle body should be used in case of linkage issue ..
Thanks for any help
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:31 am
by David Ferguson
With a DBW, you do not assign a resource to the Throttle Position, this is determined from the Throttle Servo Position Main/Tracking.
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:54 am
by Exigeman
Thanks David that makes sense now. By Servo we mean the TPS for Servo operation on the Throttle bodies.
Leaving only the question what to do, if anything, with the dual track TPS that is on the Servo actuator itself.. I guess that is just asking for issues to use it ?
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Tue Aug 16, 2022 8:09 am
by David Ferguson
Oh, you will use that for the Servo Position Sensor (Main & Tracking). First, what firmware package are you using?
On the MoTeC GP package, this is typically setup on Initial Setup 2->Throttle Servo in the Servo Bank 1 Position pane.
OK, I now understand you have an additional Dual Output Sensor located on the Throttle Bodies (not an integrated throttle body with servo). If you have the inputs, I would wire that to something, because you might want to use it some day for diagnostics.
My experience using a separate Servo to ITB throttles says it's best to use the sensor on the servo for the positioning. You can try to use the ITB sensor, but the hystersis in the linkage makes tuning it very challenging, and is just get's too many Aim Tracking faults unless everything is perfect (which it is in the shop, and not on the track).
Good Luck!
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:29 pm
by Exigeman
Thanks David
GPA Package
You got it .. the Throttle body supplier says to use the Throttle body TPS for safety but yes, there will be some movement Servo vs spindles over time so fully understand your reasoning for using the servo TPS.
I will wire up both of the TPS and just connect the Servo one to ECU for now.
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:02 pm
by Stephen Dean
If you want to know the position of the throttle plate spindles in relation to the Throttle Servo Position, wire the sensor into the Steering Angle channel, do not use the Throttle Position Sensor input. Using this input (TPS) as well can result in the M1 reading this channel as being valid, rather than the Throttle Servo positions. This can cause the Throttle Servo system to go into fault and drop out.
Re: M1 DBW Setup

Wed Aug 17, 2022 10:54 am
by Exigeman
Got it Stephen
Thanks everyone for the help here