m130 close loop fuel yamaha pwc package

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m130 close loop fuel yamaha pwc package

Postby DaveL on Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:54 pm

Hi guys, trying to get close loop to go without any success so far. I have level 2 logging so i can log the channels. I'm using Ltc to log lambda at 200mhz and that work flawless. Channel fuel closed loop state always reads: wait sometimes reads sensor unavailable. fuel closed loop control diagnostic, control state bot read ok and enable channel reads enabled, will somtimes toggle to transient. I have all the activations threshold at 0 (kpa, rpm and coolant) I am out of ideas, i even tought it could be a fuel or ignition table trim preventing it from activating, and put all the tables at zero and it didnt change a thing. Im out of ideas? Thanks!
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Re: m130 close loop fuel yamaha pwc package

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Sep 09, 2021 5:31 pm


Make sure that the Cold and post start fuel compensations have zeroed out. The Wait state is normal operation, the way that the Closed Loop system works is that it samples the Lambda, requests a change to the fuelling and then waits for the Fuel Closed Loop Period to expire (Wait state) before sampling the Lambda again, it does this so that the change has the time to occur and travel down the exhaust system and ensure that the lambda sensor is sampling the requested change, rather than the previous fuelling.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: m130 close loop fuel yamaha pwc package

Postby DaveL on Thu Sep 09, 2021 9:23 pm

Currently the fuel volume cooolant compensation table isent all zeroed out, does this table have to be zeroed out? i tried to zero it out and it didnt change anything. I wasent logging close loop trim to see if it was doing anything but my lambda hasent changed changed in my logs where im off alot from my aim. I will log trim next time im back on the water. Close loop period is set at 2500ms and control average gain at 10%, does that sound right? Thanks!
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Re: m130 close loop fuel yamaha pwc package

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Sep 10, 2021 10:03 am


That is a quite long Period, that means that for each change the Closed Loop system requests, it has to wait for 2.5 seconds to sample the change. If the engine is idling and the lambda sensor is at the far end of the exhaust pipe then this would work. On a PWC this is too long. I would tune it by getting the Lambda to be on aim, make a change to the Fuel Aim and see how long it takes for that change to be shown on the Lambda trace, pause the time graph and then measure the time that it takes from the requested change to the sensor response, this becomes your period time (I would add about 10% to that time to ensure that the data is accurate) Make these tests in a few places and retune your Closed Loop Period table to suit.

There should not be any coolant compensation active when you want the Closed Loop to work, the Closed Loop will not activate if these are active. The last numbers in the tables need to be 0.0
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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