Traction Control warning

Mon Aug 02, 2021 7:48 am
by JordonMusser
Is there a way to display (so via canbus) that traction control is enabled and receiving the required information it needs? example, if a wheel speed drops out it may not be able to control wheel speed even if its enabled (and so on).
Re: Traction Control warning

Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:21 pm
by NathanB
Hi Jordan,
In the GP packages, there are no wheel speed diagnostics transmitted via CAN, nor are there any channels regarding traction control.
As you are running custom firmware, you would need to discuss with your developer possibly transmitting the wheel speed diagnostics on CAN to identify your issue. As to where this would be transmitted to, you have not specified, so I can't comment on any way that this could be used to provide a driver warning.
I have attached a screenshot of the diagnostics available for you wheel speed sensors in your package.