DBW feedforward and P & I controls

Questions on DBW feedforward.
1. Is it best to configure the Feedforward table to just below the Target Aim Idle ?
the idle aim main is set to 1500 cold and 1250 warm so the feed forward table has 3 entries for rpm 1100 1250 and 1500
I have set this at running temps to be as close as possible but it fluctuates around the target - is this normal for dbw and Big CAMS.
2. what do configure next - the idle ignition timing limit advance control proportional and integral gain ??
Idle Mass flow Integral and proportional gain (I before P in the help)
Now i have played with the idle ignition timing limit advance control and got the idle close to idle aim main and its good.
If i blip the throttle i get hugh oscillation to stall with 0 entries are in the Idle Mass flow gains and no matter what setting i use it never goes away. so I at 160 and P and 0 as a start as per the help.
Any help would be good.
1. Is it best to configure the Feedforward table to just below the Target Aim Idle ?
the idle aim main is set to 1500 cold and 1250 warm so the feed forward table has 3 entries for rpm 1100 1250 and 1500
I have set this at running temps to be as close as possible but it fluctuates around the target - is this normal for dbw and Big CAMS.
2. what do configure next - the idle ignition timing limit advance control proportional and integral gain ??
Idle Mass flow Integral and proportional gain (I before P in the help)
Now i have played with the idle ignition timing limit advance control and got the idle close to idle aim main and its good.
If i blip the throttle i get hugh oscillation to stall with 0 entries are in the Idle Mass flow gains and no matter what setting i use it never goes away. so I at 160 and P and 0 as a start as per the help.
Any help would be good.