GPR Bugs

In GPR 1.11.0018 there is the option to use an "ABS Position Switch" and it implies that you could use a rotary switch which would make sense but the available firmware resources are only "Switch 1-8" no rotaries available.
Just noticed what I think is a second bug. Under ECU Transmit the help section states "Bit 32: True(1) if Engine State is Run" however my engine state is currently "startup" and the PDM receives a value of 1 when receiving using the settings below:
CAN Message: 0x119
Offset: Byte 4
Data Size: 8bit
Mask: 01
I may be missing something on this one and haven't gotten it running to see how the state changes yet but seems pretty straight forward.
Just noticed what I think is a second bug. Under ECU Transmit the help section states "Bit 32: True(1) if Engine State is Run" however my engine state is currently "startup" and the PDM receives a value of 1 when receiving using the settings below:
CAN Message: 0x119
Offset: Byte 4
Data Size: 8bit
Mask: 01
I may be missing something on this one and haven't gotten it running to see how the state changes yet but seems pretty straight forward.