M1_General Message Structure

I thought this might help others.
Seeing the M1 receive message template in C12x Dash Manager with the Message Type as "Compound" led me to refresh my understanding of compound messaging and analyze the message with CAN Inspector.
I've since come to the conclusion the M1_General messages are simply a series of standard messages on sequential addresses that have been merged into a single message template.
Am I correct thinking that with the ID equal to the next address and offset by 8 bytes, it simply becomes the identifier for the next message.
Seeing the M1 receive message template in C12x Dash Manager with the Message Type as "Compound" led me to refresh my understanding of compound messaging and analyze the message with CAN Inspector.
I've since come to the conclusion the M1_General messages are simply a series of standard messages on sequential addresses that have been merged into a single message template.
Am I correct thinking that with the ID equal to the next address and offset by 8 bytes, it simply becomes the identifier for the next message.