Syncing dual dbw throttle servos

Hi all,
Sorry if this topic has been covered before. I searched but didn't find anything.
I've got a Radical SR8 running with a MoTeC ECU using the GPR package with Geartronics extensions. All is well except idle. When I set offset and scale for the dual Jenvey DBW servos (one per bank), I can get them pretty close -- within a percent or two. And for on-track use, that's plenty good enough. But at idle, a couple of percent makes a big difference in air flow from bank to bank -- 20/30% air flow difference.
I'm wondering if anybody has a procedure for getting the throttle percent to match airflow across dual throttle servos, especially at low blade angles such as idle.
Sorry if this topic has been covered before. I searched but didn't find anything.
I've got a Radical SR8 running with a MoTeC ECU using the GPR package with Geartronics extensions. All is well except idle. When I set offset and scale for the dual Jenvey DBW servos (one per bank), I can get them pretty close -- within a percent or two. And for on-track use, that's plenty good enough. But at idle, a couple of percent makes a big difference in air flow from bank to bank -- 20/30% air flow difference.
I'm wondering if anybody has a procedure for getting the throttle percent to match airflow across dual throttle servos, especially at low blade angles such as idle.