Rotary pot

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Rotary pot

Postby Mobne on Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:52 pm

I have a question.

A rotary pot with 12 positions. The ecu don’t have that many “windows”....

If I enter say 6 positions from 0-5v will the ecu interpolate the ones that are in between so I can use all 12?
Like 1-3-5-7 and so on.
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:49 am


The M1 will read the voltage that has been set when the Driver Rotary Switch is configured, it will not interpolate between the set value to provide extra positions.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby Mobne on Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:59 am

Crap. Then I guess using my
12 position pots won’t be nice at all.
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:25 am

Many multi-position pots are made so you can limit the number of positions, this is often done with a pin that is moved to limit the motion. Also, remember that values outside the range will use the default value, so you can have a few default settings.

I think it can be made to feel "nice".
David Ferguson
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby Mobne on Thu Aug 27, 2020 5:56 am

No chance in the world you can add 2 more positions to the software? :)
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:42 am

Why don't you tell us what you are trying to do with the 12 positions. Perhaps you should just configure a sensor that will provide a linear trim (and you can have more than 12 breakpoints, or linear interpolation between a high and low value, giving you all the in between steps).
David Ferguson
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby Mobne on Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:05 am

As my ecu is setup now i have traction control with one.

Position 1 is full slip and position 12 is full traction.
The other one is setup as boost target.

Where i have position 1 is 0.1bar and position 12 is 1.2bar.

So can this be done? Maybe i misunderstood you that it couldn't?

I'm still on my haltech ecu collecting information so my ecu change will be as smooth as possible when i do it. I have my m150 laying in the garage, will make the change later this season.
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Re: Rotary pot

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Aug 28, 2020 3:56 am

You don't mention what firmware package you are using, so I will assume GPR.

Here is how you could use your 12 position rotary pot as a Boost Limit:

In GPR, there is an Exhaust Temperature Boost Limit. If you don't have EGT sensors fitted, you could configure the channel "Exhaust Temperature Collector Sensor Resource", and set the translation to have say 100 degC for the voltage at position 1, and 1200 degC for voltage at position 12.
Then you setup Exhaust Temperature Boost Limit table to have .1 to 1.2 bar for 100 to 1200 degC exhaust temps.

I don't think Traction control will be as simple, and I'm not going to spend time looking into this....

Of course, could be fixed with custom firmware using a development license. Let me know if you want to pursue that, and I could create that firmware for you.
David Ferguson
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