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Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Correction.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:12 pm
by Taylorking910
First time putting a few e85 gallons in my car, the sensor read the increased ethanol content. I have ethanol1.0 setup as secondary fuel properties and Gasoline for the primary. Dont have any issues with sensor reading/displaying properly.

My question- I see this in the gprp-di package and wonder if i need to enter 35% here (additional fuel for full e85 fuel) or leave 0%. I ask because of the highlighted wording in the flex fuel guide.

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Re: Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Calc.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:13 pm
by Taylorking910
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one more.

Re: Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Correction.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:29 am
by Stephen Dean

The Fuel Injector Primary Flow Correction number is a fine tuning variable to allow for the differences in viscosities in the different Ethanol bases that are used. This number is usually around 0.5 ~ 1 %, if it is needed to be used.

Re: Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Correction.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:02 pm
by Taylorking910
SDean wrote:Hi,

The Fuel Injector Primary Flow Correction number is a fine tuning variable to allow for the differences in viscosities in the different Ethanol bases that are used. This number is usually around 0.5 ~ 1 %, if it is needed to be used.

Thank you, this leads to my next question.

I am about +6-7% trim difference between gasoline and my current ethanol blend.

Say I put 6% in the setting.

Does a Fuel mixture aim blend of 100% add my extra 6% and a 0% blend apply a 0% correction (so its good trim on both fuel)

Or If i put 6 here, it would apply 6% all the time, no matter what composition of fuel.

Thank you again.

Re: Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Correction.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:02 pm
by Stephen Dean

The Flow Correction Value is multiplied by the Fuel Composition Value, so the greater the Ethanol Content detected by the sensor, the more correction is applied.

Re: Another flex fuel question- Primary flow Correction.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:11 am
by Taylorking910
SDean wrote:Hi,

The Flow Correction Value is multiplied by the Fuel Composition Value, so the greater the Ethanol Content detected by the sensor, the more correction is applied.

Thank You for the replies.