M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Postby Nickwinsor on Thu Nov 07, 2019 3:24 am

Hello, I am doing a complete rewire on a car which did not have electric power steering, and will be installing the electric power steering unit, complete with power steer ECU, from a Toyota 86 in to it. I plan on using an M130 ECU. Is there a way for me to send the CAN signals required to the Power Steering ECU using the GPR package for the ECU, or will I need the 86 package? The only issue with that is, nothing else in the car is from an 86. Speed signal will be coming via vehicle speed sensor in gearbox.

Secondly, can auxillery outputs on the M130 be directly controlled (on/off) via conditions dictated by a PDM30 connected via CAN? I've had a look in M1 tune and the only thing I've been able to find to set conditions for an output are things like rpm or race time.
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Re: M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Postby rntechnologies on Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:05 am

You cant change the CAN messaging in the GPR package, so you will require the 86 package if you want the CAN messaging to be correct.
The other alternative is to use a MoTeC dash, and send the correct CAN messaging from that.

I'm not sure I understand the second part to your question. If you are looking to enable an output on the PDM based on different conditions, you would normally do this with the control conditions on the PDMs output pins and not necessarily use an Aux output on the ECU.
If you can provide more information on exactly what you are trying to achieve, we can possibly help you out better.
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Re: M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Postby Nickwinsor on Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:59 am

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for the reply!

I'm already using a C125 logging dash, so am I able to configure the spare CAN network on that to achieve what I need? Do you know the addresses etc that need to be configured?

In regards to the second question, the car has Popup headlights. I've kept the OEM retract ECU so the PDM doesn't need to do anything fancy, just supply power to it. However, that ECU has a trigger which is grounded for the motors to extend. When you remove the ground to the trigger, the motors retract (I think :) ). So, I could just drive a relay from the high side output of the PDM, in order to do the appropriate signal to the retract ECU, or I had a thought that if the M130 had a spare output, I could just have that output operate upon a condition on the CAN network, generated by the PDM, which then provides ground to the retract ECU. Does this make sense? I'm probably over complicating things and should just stick to using a relay :)

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Re: M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Postby rntechnologies on Thu Nov 07, 2019 11:09 am

Yeah, if you have the C125, you could use the spare CANbus and set it to 500kbps and send the correct messages.
I do know the addresses and messages that need to be sent, but I won't just give that information out, as it required time reverse engineering to obtain it.

With the popup lights, the 12v should be supplied by the PDM as you have mentioned.
With the ground trigger though, are you wanting it to be controlled from a manual switch, or some other input such as a light sensor or other external device?
You could trigger this from the dash if you have i/o enabled, using any criteria you like.

The GPR package is fairly restricted when it comes to stuff like this, as there aren't any freely configurable conditional outputs, so you are going to likely hit a bit of a wall when it comes to triggering from the ECU, unless you use a switched output designed for something that you aren't using.
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Re: M130 CAN messaging to EPS

Postby Nickwinsor on Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:50 pm

Totally understand that. I've sent you a private message.
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