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GPR Rotary Flexfuel capability?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:02 am
by Carlos Iglesias
I wasn't able to find a Flexfuel functionality in the GPR Rotary package. Are there any plan to incorporate into future versions?

Re: GPR Rotary Flexfuel capability?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:37 pm
by Stephen Dean

What version of the GPR Rotary Package do you have? They all should have the Alternative Fuel functionality in them (all that I have checked have it)

This is a link to the process of setting up Flex Fuel in the M1, do you have the channels and parameters shown in this document in your Package?

Re: GPR Rotary Flexfuel capability?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:19 pm
by Carlos Iglesias
SDean wrote:Hi,

What version of the GPR Rotary Package do you have? They all should have the Alternative Fuel functionality in them (all that I have checked have it)

This is a link to the process of setting up Flex Fuel in the M1, do you have the channels and parameters shown in this document in your Package?

Thanks for the response Stephen. I've been playing with the available packages off the Motec website while waiting for my M130 with the Rotary GPR to arrive from ShaneT this week.

I downloaded "M1 Tune (" with "Throttle Based Start File v3 - (GPR Rotary (M130).June 2017" package. The Engine Details worksheet of the Initial Setup workbook does not have "Alternative Fuel Mode" drop down as is illustrated in the "M1 Flex Fuel User Guide". The first dropdown is "Engine Run Threshold". What am I missing sir.

Re: GPR Rotary Flexfuel capability?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:48 am
by Stephen Dean
Hi Carlos,

All of the setup for the Flex Fuel system is available through the All Calibrate page, I have noted that the setup information has been missed in the worksheets for the Rotary Packages and will have this resolved.