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Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:01 am
by sleeper
Having some issues setting up EGT to can module.
So a guide would be great.

The module is set up like this:

big endian
msg 1: 288
msg 2: 289

( m150 )

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:29 am
by rntechnologies
Have you got a development licence / ecu? or are you trying to set this up via a dash?

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:53 am
by sleeper
The ecu's is m150's with GPA package.
(it does have a 1212 dash in the same can bus. But would much rater have it communicating straight to ecu.
(all addressing on the ecumaster is fully adjustable, so if any other Adress works that's ok. (cyl 1-4 is one Adress and 5-8 another)

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:55 am
by Stephen Dean

I have attached a document that explains the process of getting CAN Messages from the Dash into the M1, this can be used as a basis for your messaging from the EGT module.

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 1:01 am
by sleeper
I guess that could work, but if there is any way i could get the EGT modules to send the data directly to the ecu, that would be far better since it`s not 100% sure the dash will be installed in the finished setup.

Is there any way i could do that? ( remember that the Ecumaster egt modules can be set to send at any address, ( cyl 1-4 is sending on one address and cyl 5-8 on another )
And there are 2 of those modules, but only using 12 EGT`s in total.

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 2:55 am
by David Ferguson
I could easily add support for that in a custom firmware package, to avoid needing to have a dash installed. Please contact me if I can help.

Re: Setting up can bus coms between ecumaster egt to can

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:27 pm
by MalcolmG
If you aren't already using it for something else, then the ECU receive function should work fine for this. The help in M1 tune explains how to use this.

As a minor aside, the help for ECU Receive CAN ID Base states you must use a multiple of 16 for the base address. I have found this to be incorrect and have successfully used multiples of 8. I have also found that although it says 16 messages are received, if you look at the options under any resource parameter you can only select up to CAN 7 (e.g. 8 messages). This may be useful information in your case if your base address is currently 0x288.