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Hayabus m130 gear position sensor isdue

Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:13 pm
by ssober
My gear position sensor is not reading on my turbo hayabusa.
Using a stock sensor pinned into b21. I have 5v coming to the sensor.
When gear minimum is set to neutral it shows the gear souce as estimate.
If I unplug the sensor and touch the sensor wire to the 5v source it shows sensor. If the gear minimum is set to reverse it shows sensor but doesn't see gear changes.
I have tried 3 different oem sensors with same results.
Re: Hayabus m130 gear position sensor isdue

Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:16 pm
by David Ferguson
Have you calibrated the sensor? Sounds like Gear Position Sensor Main Diagnostic Low and/or High is not set correctly. What does the Gear Sensor Main Voltage show as you change gears?
Assuming it is changing, then you need to first set the Gear Position Sensor Main Offset and Scale -- I suggest you manually enter the values I I have used below (Main Offset 0.01V and Scale 21%/V). Then with Gear Minimum and Gear Maximum set correctly, put the bike into each gear and press the appropriate Q button for the Gear Postion to set the percentage of the Gear Position Sensor Main for that gear.
Here is my configuration for a GSXR 1000, notice the parameters shown in the lower pane.
Re: Hayabus m130 gear position sensor isdue

Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:57 pm
by Stephen Dean
The Hayabusa Gear Position sensor is a variable resistance sensor, if you connect the output wire (Pink) to a AT and the Black/White to a 0V, then you will get a variable voltage signal that can be mapped for gear position. The third wire (Blue) is the Neutral signal wire.
You can also splice a 5V+ into the AV that you are using through a 1k ohm pullup resistor (making the AV into an AT) and this will also work.

- AV into At wiring.png (8.64 KiB) Viewed 8532 times
Re: Hayabus m130 gear position sensor isdue

Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:19 am
by ssober
David mine does not show % it shows mv and there is numbers in there.
SDean dumb it down a little for me please.
I have 3 wires on the motec
1 that has 5v on it
1 that is signal on b21
1 ground
What wire hooks where
Re: Hayabus m130 gear position sensor isdue

Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:41 am
by David Ferguson
What firmware package are you running? I had assumed you were using one of the MoTeC GP packages -- are you using the Suzuki Supersport packages with the MoTeC USA PnP adapter?
In that package set the "Drivetrain Gear Box Position Sensor Fault Low to 0V and the High to 5.0V. I believe the PnP adapter has the necessary pull-up resistor (since it's using AV7 for the resource).
Here is a screen shot of using All Calibrate to look for Gear Position: