engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

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engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

Postby kylebroslowski on Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:40 am


I'm using a M130 with the 2012 superbike package on a 2009 Honda CBR1000 RR.
I want to prepare it for dyno runs, to have a proper mapping. I'm now trying to figure out the right engine speed and sync ref. pin setting. I started to crank the engine with engine speed pin set to "falling edge" and the sync ref. pin to "rising edge". The engine started, but only with a shot of brake disc cleaner, and could not hold idle, missfiring a lot and put a lot of flames out of the exhaust, and was not willing to reving up, overall sounds absolut not healthy. The "Ref Sync Status" windows shows a lot of errors too. I made some scope screenshots and send it over to the support in UK. Meanwhile I changed the engine speed pin to rising edge, and after that, the engine starts, could hold idle after a while, and revs up with a little delay. After the UK support saw my scope pictures they told me to switch the engine speed pin back to falling edge, with the result that the engine runs like crap. So I played around and set the engine speed pin to rising edge, and the sync ref. pin to falling edge. What a change. Engine starts without any additional help of high flammable sprays or giving some throttle. Just push the start button and it idles. Also reving the engine works without missfire and flames. "Ref sync status" window shows no errors, for me everything looks good. I know had a look on the initial package that I first received, and there was exactly the same setting for both pins like I have now. I don't know why and who changed my initial setting, but over the time and sending the package back and forth somehow it was changed. So can someone tell my if it is ok to leave it like it is now, which is matching the initial setting, or what should i do!?

Actual --> engine speed pin (crankshaft signal) rising edge
--> sync.ref. pin (crankshaft signal) falling edge

Thanks in advance,

Scope_DC_Coupling2.jpg (279.98 KiB) Viewed 11432 times
Scope_DC_Coupling1.jpg (325.89 KiB) Viewed 11432 times
General setup.PNG
General setup.PNG (124.84 KiB) Viewed 11434 times
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Re: engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:18 am

Rising edge for the Engine Speed will not work when the engine speed comes up, as the timing point will move as the 0v crossing point shifts around. It sounds to me like the Reference Offset value needs to be changed.

Has a timing light been used on the engine when the Falling Edge is selected?

What diagnostic states exist when you are trying to run the engine with the falling edge selected?

Do you have logging of the engine cranking?

Your Engine Speed Pin Hysteresis values are higher than needed, usually 2.0v ~ 3.0v is used in the higher engine speed ranges (over 2000rpm). Your Debounce numbers are also higher than needed, and will potentially cause errors at higher engine speeds.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

Postby kylebroslowski on Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:22 pm

Hi Dean,

the attached scope Pictures are from cranking. When I use the falling edge for the engine Speed pin, there is always "Position changed", and reference state Switches between cycle lock and search.

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Re: engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

Postby kylebroslowski on Wed Nov 15, 2017 6:47 pm

Could it be that I should switch both pins on the crankshaft sensor?
When I look at the scope Pictures, and to use the falling edge for the engine Speed pin, because the edge is much clearer than the rising edge, then I assume to have an offset of approx 15°(12 teeth on the crankshaft ~ 30° between every pulse) to match the falling edge from the sync Signal, but I don't know where to set in the M1. Is that the Engine Speed Pin Offset Value? At the moment, it is set to 460°

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Re: engine speed/ sync ref.pin setting

Postby AlanB on Wed Nov 15, 2017 9:06 pm

Hello Mike

I've answered your similar email queries via MoTeC Europe support, but the correct edge for the crank is Falling Edge based on your scope image and the logged data. Also, the correct Reference Offset for a Honda CBR1000 is 460 degrees.

If you contact the support engineers at MoTeC Europe then they will be able to help you get to the bottom of your issue. It might be worth doing a Teamviewer session when you are with the bike.
Alan Bell
MoTeC Europe Ltd
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