PID Question

Novice PID questions...
In my map I have a 'Proportional - Gain'' set to 0.4 for Fuel pressure control. The description of PID (F1) says 'Proportional - Gain'' = %/Kpa and my Kpa is set to an aim of 400. I have watched the videos and it shows a 'Proportional - Gain'' value of 0.5 in a lot of examples but a lot of other parts of my map has a 'Proportional - Gain'' of 1000+ which is then subsequently divided by 1000. My question is can the 0.4 value be correct as it seems so small and what value should I start with?
My other question is that I have 'Integral - Gain' set to 50 and 'Integral Min / Max' set to 0. The integral isn't doing anything am I correct it's because the min / max are both set to '0'.
In my map I have a 'Proportional - Gain'' set to 0.4 for Fuel pressure control. The description of PID (F1) says 'Proportional - Gain'' = %/Kpa and my Kpa is set to an aim of 400. I have watched the videos and it shows a 'Proportional - Gain'' value of 0.5 in a lot of examples but a lot of other parts of my map has a 'Proportional - Gain'' of 1000+ which is then subsequently divided by 1000. My question is can the 0.4 value be correct as it seems so small and what value should I start with?
My other question is that I have 'Integral - Gain' set to 50 and 'Integral Min / Max' set to 0. The integral isn't doing anything am I correct it's because the min / max are both set to '0'.