Hi Members,
i've problems with our current setup on our testing bench.
At first some facts about the system:
- M150 with a modified GPRG M150 Porject -> converted to a package
- all engine settings are set up, engine runs
- all Sensors work
- just one primary injection, 1 injector per cylinder
- i've import the fuel and ignition tables from our M800. In our M800 (and M150) the Fuel Main table was referenced to Cylinder 2. The max. Injector opening time was 8ms. In the Fuel Main Table we just entered percentage-values (50% equals 4ms opening time). In the other Fuel tables for Cylinder 1, 3 and 4 we also entered a percentage-value but this value was based on the value in cylidner 2 (when in Cylinder 2 is 50% (4ms) -> 10% in Cylinder 1 or 3 or 4 means 55% totaly (4,4ms). I hope i could explain it?!
- the fuel main table is entered by engine efficiency, all other tables are entered in fuel cylinder 1 trim, 3 trim and 4 trim. (!!!BUT the description in the M1 F1-Button means "how effectively the cylinder fills with air. It is used to calculate Engine Load."!!!)
- we have change the y-axis in our engine efficiency and fuel cylinder X trim tables. From default Inlet manifold pressure to engine load normalised. I hope this change isn't the reason for our problems.
The main problem acutaly is:
- the engine/ecu doesn't care about any values in the tables. I can change them extremely from 5% to 100%, the injector still inject the same volume. On all cylinders.
- when i enter any value in fuel overall trim like 100% - nothing happens
- when i enter a calculated table in fuel injector primary linearisation - the injection still stops. (for example: our injection flow rate is 116 g/min. We use E85 so the density is 770 kg/m3. This means 2,49296 mikroliters/ms. So i entered 2,49296 and 1ms, 19,9436 and 8ms). when i clear this table and just enter 8ms, the injector works good.
I hope you can help me.
Thanks for answers. Greetings from germany munich.