Failed to update the ECU

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Failed to update the ECU

Postby MaBaMM on Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:20 am

Hi members and users of M1XX,

I have problems with our M150.
I have allready use the search function, but there was no post about it.
I hope you can help me.

I would explain the steps what i allready have done at first.

1. Download the GPRP M150 Project at
2. Open it in M1 Build an configuered for our requirements (just a few things on 'Objects', numbers of axes some names. Nothing great.)
3. 'Build Fimreware an open in M1 Tune' - from Project to Package
4. There is/was no Error message or something else. Enything runs!
5. Configured the new builded Package in M1 Tune - Create Layouts, Set Inputs/Outputs, Calibrate Sensors, Add Tables. Just normal use.
6. Pluged the M150 (Hardware) on our engine on the test bench.
7. Pluged the Ethernet cable on my Laptop and connected with the ECU
8. Installed the License (downloaded from
9. Send the configured Package (from point 5) to the ECU M150
10. No ERROR messages, just one WARNING message ('Failed to configure ECU Data Acquisition' - I dont think that this will be a problem that prevents me to work with the M150?!)


11. There is no signal of any sensor or something else. No Battery voltage. Nothing.

We have allready checked all Plugs.
There is a voltage of 14 V on the pin B13 and ground.
The Engine was running minutes ago (with the older ECU M800). All sensors have worked - no problems were detected.

12. When i type any value on any calibration or table and press enter there comes a popup-window with 'Failed to update the ECU - The ECU rejected the update, the local changes will be reverted'

I've also called our dealer in germany. He send me the ECU license to download it again to install it again.
I've done it, but the problem is still there.

Can you help me?

Thank for your posts.

Greating from germany, Malik
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Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

Re: Failed to update the ECU

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:35 am

What if you load the standard GPRP package (instead of the one you built)? I think your build license will allow you to load any package.. That would help isolate if your firmware is the issue.

When you use Tools->Show ECU Database, then select your ECU and click the ECU License button. Can you post a screen capture of that window?
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data
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Re: Failed to update the ECU

Postby MaBaMM on Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:53 am

Dear David Ferguson,

thanks for your instant answer.
I have tried it but on both packages (GPA M150 and GPRP M150; i download them again from motec online as package) is the same ERROR message. (see Pic 1)

Here the ECU Database info screen

And yes, i have installed the the current license, wich is on my account in motec online. ;)

my deals opinion was, that my data logger level is not enough for the gprp.
And i saw that my data logger level ist 1 in my motec online account. But in the ECU Database it is level 2.

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Re: Failed to update the ECU

Postby David Ferguson on Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:53 am

Sorry for the mis-information about sending the standard GPRP. What you can do, is build the unmodified GPRP with your license and try sending that to know if any of your changes are the problem.

It looks to me like your ECU has Level 2 Logging (and Pro Analysis) enabled, however, you might need to check the number of channels that are enabled for logging in the package you are sending to the ECU.
David Ferguson
Veracity Racing Data
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Re: Failed to update the ECU

Postby MaBaMM on Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:20 am

Ok, i will try it.
give me a few minutes...
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

Re: Failed to update the ECU

Postby MaBaMM on Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:31 am

Hi David,

it worked.
So i configured anything but not the right...
Now i debug my mistakes..
hope i will find it in the nex hours

thanks for your tips
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:54 am

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