6v 12v on injectors

Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:23 am
by nwwil
i have an issue with volts to injectors cylinders 1 4 i have 6v and 2 3 i have 12v my battery's a bit low at the moment so thats only got 12v now on charge , any i dear what the problem is? i guess its got the wrong voltage settings on the ecu but how do you change?
Re: 6v 12v on injectors

Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:54 am
by David Ferguson
Is this a new problem with a previously working installation, or a new installation/harness? If it's new, then I would double check the harness documentation and make sure you've got all the pinouts correct. Is the ECU wired to use the same injector drivers for 1/4 as well as 2/3 (i.e. are you using low-side for two and peak&hold for the others?).
Otherwise I would apply standard harness troubleshooting methods -- disconnect everything -- do you still see different voltages at the injector connectors? Check for shorts & opens. Wiggles the harness at all splices/connections to see if that changes things (this could indicate worn/abraded insulation or a broken wire/intermittent connection).
Good Luck!