Public Beta Release: M1 Tune Version 1.04 and July 2015 GP P

MoTeC is making available to dealers and M1 users Beta versions of our latest M1 Tune and GP Packages. These updates do not incur any additional cost, but the GP Packages are only available to existing GP Package users.
Customers can go to MoTeC Online to download the M1 Tune Beta version.
For access to the July 2015 Beta Packages and Licences, please email with a request for access to the Beta, along with your ECU and Package details.
Dispatch will reply with the new Licence for that ECU as well as the latest Package for the requested ECU.
This update to the GP Packages includes a number of new and updated features, as can be seen in the migration documents. Hence there is a requirement for careful migration of configurations for existing GP users. Links to the migration documents are shown below; we recommend they are closely followed to fully understand the process. ... docid=4851 ... docid=4852
The new features are listed in the Migration documents
These Beta versions are available now.
Customers can go to MoTeC Online to download the M1 Tune Beta version.
For access to the July 2015 Beta Packages and Licences, please email with a request for access to the Beta, along with your ECU and Package details.
Dispatch will reply with the new Licence for that ECU as well as the latest Package for the requested ECU.
This update to the GP Packages includes a number of new and updated features, as can be seen in the migration documents. Hence there is a requirement for careful migration of configurations for existing GP users. Links to the migration documents are shown below; we recommend they are closely followed to fully understand the process. ... docid=4851 ... docid=4852
The new features are listed in the Migration documents
These Beta versions are available now.