Worth waiting for?

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Worth waiting for?

Postby Prometheus on Wed May 09, 2012 9:17 am

I have been heavily contemplating the purchase of MoTec engine management.

The conemplation isn't whether or not to purchase MoTec, but when...

I dont want to spend a substancial ammount of money, only to have the next revelation of engine management happen a month later.

I feel like my application is in need of careful hardware selection... 2 rotor forced induction, with a 3 rotor peripheral port ITB on the bench being built for next year. (and if the stars align in my future, maybe a 4 rotor)

As we all know, the main killer of roatries is pre-ignition, pre-detonation, or knock as we have come to call it.

I have referenced prices on the M84 ECU (which doesn't have knock control) & pairing it with MoTec's Standalone Knock Module (SKM) or the M800 ECU (which i recall reading that is is capable of monitoring & correcting knock) and noticed that they marginally the same price.

What i'm trying to find out is:

Will the new M1 generation ECU's have knock correction integrated ino the ECU's capabilities, or at least be an upgrade? (alleviating the need for the SKM)

If i purchase the SKM, will it be compadible with the M1 ECU group?

Will the price point be comparable to the pre existing MoTec ECU's?

When will more information be released to the public?

I thought April was supposed to deliver some kind of substancial information, are we on the virge of some news?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I hope to hear from someone.
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Re: Worth waiting for?

Postby Prometheus on Wed May 09, 2012 9:29 am

looking at both the M84 & the SKM, I can't use them together...
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Re: Worth waiting for?

Postby Holmz on Wed May 09, 2012 9:36 pm

Prometheus wrote:looking at both the M84 & the SKM, I can't use them together...

I think that the m800 works though.
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Re: Worth waiting for?

Postby Hugh on Thu May 10, 2012 6:15 am

SKM works with M400, M600 and M800 ECU's

The M1 Ecu's appear to have knock control, but nothing has been announced yet on pricing and the declared spec seems incorrect on Wideband Lambdas, so may be inaccurate in other ways.

Hard to know how much better the M1 ECU's will be, but you need to consider whether the MX00 ECU's are going to give you all you need given the RPM, boost etc of your engine since they are bound to be a cheaper option when compared to the M1 ECU's
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Re: Worth waiting for?

Postby 20B on Tue May 15, 2012 8:22 pm

I have run a 3 rotor for a while on an M800, N/A though.
Watched plenty of high power rotaries on the dyno getting mapped.
I would be wary about running an SKM for a rotary, my experience is that when you reach the knock window it is already too late to compensate, you will destroy an engine in the blink of an eye. Far less forgiving than a piston equivalent.
I would save your money on the SKM and setup a good water/alcohol injection setup. This is what will save your engine from detonation. Mazda should have run this as an OEM solution from day one.
Also you want a switched on tuner who knows how close to get with ignition without crossing that line.
Just remember its high egt's that kill the rotary, you MUST be logging all indivisual rotors egt and exhaust back pressure to have any hope of seeing where you are with the tune.
I highly recommend the M800 for a rotary, more than enough for your needs plus you can run the 4 rotor in the future should you want, just a new loom and ignition coil really.
I wish you luck.

P.S I have a 3 rotor PP turbo engine package currently for sale if you interested, 620 HP at the wheels on 14PSI if your interested.
Mazda 1993 RX7
20B N/A engine
Motec M800,CDI, SDL, SLM, LTC, DHB
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Re: Worth waiting for?

Postby MarkMc on Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:22 pm

It is unlikely that there will be an M1 solution for your engine in the near future. The M800 platform still has about two years of sale (support is obviously longer) left in it, roughly. The M1 software is being written for targeted packages, e.g. Jet Skis and some other projects. Generally speaking if it can be done neatly on an M800 or is a high volume project it will be M1 otherwise an M800 is what you want.

I think an M800 is your option.
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