ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Scott@FP on Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:06 pm

Sounds like Shane has used up every single character available in the 'Edit Comments' box too ;)
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby TunedByShaneT on Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:36 pm

Okay Memory has been jogged regarding this one,

Would it be possible to allow a user without Password access, to calibrate TPS hi/low and Air Calibrate Lambda sensors without needing password access to a password protected file?
Shane Tecklenburg
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Chris Wilson on Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:35 pm

Re password protected access for Lambda calibration and TPS calibration. What a *VERY* good and fair idea, I had this issue the other month, please consider this!
Chris Wilson
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby TunedByShaneT on Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:13 am

Traction Control Retard Power Reduction table

Possible to have another axis on that table to be able to adjust retard power reduction percent by say rpm?
Shane Tecklenburg
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Scott@FP on Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:59 am

Add some Software type switch functions. Expander/dash switches are essentially useless if you've used up all your AT inputs. Such as ExD1- ON being available in the non-sensor channels. Or if you have an expander or dash connected 4-6 software switch inputs get added (Sw In 7-12) to your digital inputs.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby FoxPerformance on Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:29 am

this may not be exactly for the ecu, but an option for gps coordinates and auto start for the lap timer would be nice.

where you could have input button that the rider could push as he's crossing start finish, and then it will automatically use those gps coordinates for lap times.

or maybe one more level of sophistication is that you don't even need the button and it auto detects a loop and starts timing on the the second lap. most cheap gps lap timers these days have this functionality built right into them. i think the GPX and Get lap timer systems will do this.

so this eliminates the need for manually looking for gps coordinates and entering them in.
Ben Fox
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Chris Wilson on Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:23 am

Seconded for the GPS coordinates input switch, I asked about this a while back, would be a nice addition :

Chris Wilson
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Scott@FP on Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:54 pm

Fix the gauge app.

Say set up a gauge with 0-200 units, with 11 ticks and 3 minors, enter 0 in the minimum, and 200 (or 60, or 150, or....) in the max, it defaults to 199.9 for max (or 59.9, or 149.9) , and you can't fix it. mostly unitless or imperial unit sensors this happens to, and mostly above a value of 100, but its very, very annoying.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby Scott@FP on Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:58 pm

Function 139- Universal PID Control. Selectable sensor/control channel, etc. Something in between the simplicity of FP Control and the extra tables/complexity of Boost Control. Heck, make it an option, for each extra PID channel pay XXX amount. Or something like a DBW/2 channel Universal PID option, can do one or the other.
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Re: ECU Manager Software Update Suggestion Thread

Postby JamieA on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:52 am

Thanks for the suggestions guys, much appreciated.

These items are helping us really nail down the manager specifications.

Not all are going to be possible, but so far I think we have the majority of requsets covered.


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