M1 ignition amps?

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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:40 pm

We haven't done those coils, if you would like to have them characterised, you can send them through to us through your local dealer, we charge only for the cost of the freight to move the items around.

I have attached the request form to have the coils done, this is ensure that we have the best data possible for the calibration.

MoTeC Ignition Coil Calibration Request Form.docx
(16.21 KiB) Downloaded 1274 times

With the way of identifying if a coil needs an igniter or not, unless you have the factory information, or some other information specifying that the coils have an internal igniter, then it can be difficult to know.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby zerodegreec on Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:27 pm

Thanks guys.
I have to send in the injectors as well (previously confirmed that you guys wanted them). How about the MAF sensor? is this something you guys would calibrate as well?
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:11 pm

MAF sensors are more complex to do, and the calibration for them can be effected by how they are located in the inlet as well, so we tend to avoid doing them.

I have attached the injector test request form as well.

MoTeC Injector Calibration Request Form.docx
(14.29 KiB) Downloaded 1289 times
Stephen Dean
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby MalcolmG on Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:37 am

zerodegreec wrote:as a side bar Stephen, how can a person know if a particular coil needs an ignitor?

As previously noted, you need at least 3 pins if there's a built in ignitor, so a 2 pin coil definitely needs external ignitors. Otherwise, what I have found is that if you measure resistance across all possible pin pairs on the coil (1&2, 1&3, 2&3 for a 3 pin), a coil that needs an ignitor will have at least one pair that measures a fairly low resistance - a motorbike coil I've got here is 1.8 Ohms. This is because the pins are directly connected to the coil. With a "smart coil" (i.e. built in ignitor), you don't usually see any resistance values this low because there is some sort of semiconductor (e.g. transistor) in between the coil and the pins which switches the charge current on and off as required to charge/discharge the coil. I can't guarantee this test works for all coils, but with the few I've dealt with it's been a pretty good test.
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby zerodegreec on Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:38 pm

Measured the coils, confirmed that pins 1,3 have very low resistance (0.8ohm).
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby zerodegreec on Mon Aug 21, 2017 1:41 pm

SDean wrote:MAF sensors are more complex to do, and the calibration for them can be effected by how they are located in the inlet as well, so we tend to avoid doing them.

I have attached the injector test request form as well.

MoTeC Injector Calibration Request Form.docx

We plan on using the stock air box, and piping so the MAF will be stock location. If I sent you the pipe with the MAF would it be worth while :) you could then offer the configuration for all future 996 projects, just sayin...

I have to send in the injectors and coils anyway.
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:37 am


Please do not send the MAF in, the process involved in calibrating these units is not something that we do freely, as it involves the use of an engine on a dyno, and around a day of work to get a valid calibration.
Stephen Dean
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Herrubermensch on Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:55 am

Does Motec have characterization for BMW S54 pencil coils? I have anecdotal characterizations, but curious to see if they agree with Motec's own.

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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Oct 05, 2017 5:09 pm

Hi Peter,

Do you have the part number for the coils? if so, post it up and I see if we have done them.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M1 ignition amps?

Postby Herrubermensch on Fri Oct 06, 2017 1:04 am

SDean wrote:Hi Peter,

Do you have the part number for the coils? if so, post it up and I see if we have done them.

There are a proliferation of part numbers for these, but here is what I think is the correct BMW part no.:


Another BMW part number that comes up is:


Thanks, Stephen!

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