Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

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Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:15 am


I am trying to run the Royal Enfield Classic 500cc engine (single cylinder) using the M150 ECU. There is a Keihin Throttle Body (that contains MAP sensor and a throttle position sensor) and Keihin U injector installed in the engine.
Can anyone please confirm, if the injector characterization for Keihin V (Keihin 16450 RBB 003.1.0) in the pre-calibrated list of injectors in Tune 1.4 can be used for Keihin U as well?
Also, I am facing problems in setting up the ignition coil- OEM is Wings Automobile Parts; I have connected it to Low Side Ignition 1, but the coil is heating up way too much. I do not have much data available for this coil, so I am using the manual calibration in the Tune software and keeping everything to default values.

Thanks & regards,
Sagar Srivastava
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:48 am


Injector calibrations are from that injector part number only, even if the injector looks the same externally, they can be quite different internally so a calibration cannot be used for a different injector.

The coils are getting hot as they are not being controlled correctly, it sounds like they have too long a dwell time and are being over dwelled. This will lead to damage to the coils if left too long. These coils will need to be calibrated.
Stephen Dean
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby AdamW on Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:15 am

For the coil heating up, this will also happen if it is a dumb coil that you have connected it directly to the ecu. If your coil doesnt have an internal ignitor you will have to run a separate ignitor.
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:21 pm

Thanks for the info, Adam & Stephen. That means the calibrations have to be performed for both injector and ignition coil.
As far as I understand, there are now three ways in which I can proceed further with the setup. I can calibrate the injector and coil myself here at my institute (for which I will have to prepare the test rig, and it will be a whole new project in itself I guess, still is there a manual or something that I can follow to get it done?) or I can give it to Motec Australia for calibration (Can you please provide the details regarding the procedure and the amount of time it may take? ) or I can replace them with ones that have already been calibrated in the Tune software.
Can you suggest which method will be the most appropriate, given the time limitation on my project? Thanks.
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:09 am


The quickest solution would be to replace the coils and injectors with units that have existing calibrations in M1 Tune, calibrating the injectors for the M1 is not the simplest process and we have a custom built calibration bench to do this work.

To have MoTeC calibrate the coils and injectors, you will need to organise to have them sent to MoTeC Australia via your local Approved MoTeC Dealer, we will process them and then return them back to you through the same dealer. the current turnaround time for overseas customers is around three weeks with shipping taken into account.
Stephen Dean
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:49 pm


Ok, so I think I should change the injector and the ignition coil. I browsed through the available list of pre-calibrated ignition coils and concluded that the Mitsubishi F6T577 is suitable for my spark plug. But in the help, it is mentioned that it requires IGN4 Module, which is the case with all the two-pin ignition coils in the list.
Do all the coils require an external driver, or can I use 3 or 4 wire coils (such as Hanshin A/C-4002E or Denso ones) without external drivers? Can you suggest 2 or 3 coils that can be used without any hardware addition and can be appropriately fitted on the spark plug? I have attached the image of the spark plug for your reference.
Spark plug
IMG_20200129_150648.jpg (2.51 MiB) Viewed 14364 times
Spark plug
IMG_20200129_150809.jpg (2.01 MiB) Viewed 14364 times
Ignition Coil
IMG_20200129_150626.jpg (2.48 MiB) Viewed 14364 times
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:01 am

AdamW wrote:For the coil heating up, this will also happen if it is a dumb coil that you have connected it directly to the ecu. If your coil doesnt have an internal ignitor you will have to run a separate ignitor.

I think this is the main issue behind the heating up of the coil. It has just two wires, and I guess it doesn't have an internal igniter. Thanks for the info, Adam.
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:06 am

I have ordered the VW 06E 905 115 E ignition coil and the Keihin 16450 RBB 003 injector for my setup.
In the wiring of the ignition coil, it is mentioned to connect the battery negative and sensor 0V, apart from the battery positive and the trigger (I am using the low side ignition). Can I connect a wire directly from the battery negative terminal to the connector or do I have to use HB output or something like that?
Also, can I take any sensor 0V (one from Analogue Voltage Input maybe) and connect it to the coil?

Regarding the injector, I have used the Peak and Hold Injector trigger and a battery positive.

Similarly, the fuel pump has been connected via a low side ignition and a battery positive.

Can anyone please check if I am alright in the connections here? I don't want to blow any of 'em since I have just bought 'em. :D

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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:03 am


I have attached the Dwell table for these ignition coils, to wire them you need to have the following;

Pin 1 - Ignition Switched 12V+
Pin 2 - Chassis Ground
Pin 3 - ECU Signal (Low Side Ignition)
Pin 4 - Engine Block Ground

The Fuel Pump needs to be powered through a relay, preferably a Solid State Relay. The ECU Pins are not designed to accept the current draw of running a fuel pump. Grounding the fuel pump directly through a Low Side pin will result in damage to the M1.
VW 06E 905 115 F.xls
(502.5 KiB) Downloaded 1173 times
Stephen Dean
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Re: Injector and Ignition Coil setups in M150 for RE 500cc

Postby srivsaga on Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:44 pm


Thanks for the info. I have attached the wiring for the fuel pump. I think I have got it right now.

With reference to the Ignition Coil, I can just select the coil calibration as VW 06E 905 115 E, and it will include the calibration files, right? Also, I did not get the difference between pin 2 and 4. I have just an engine installed on the test bench, so I guess both will be the same, to the engine block. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Fuel Pump Wiring.jpg
Fuel pump wiring
Fuel Pump Wiring.jpg (183.16 KiB) Viewed 14247 times
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