M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

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M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Bat_Pig on Mon Jun 20, 2016 11:11 am


I have a 1997 Auto/Tiptronic Toyota Supra (JZA80) VVTi Twin Turbo.

I would like to retain the sequential OEM turbo setup (http://mkiv.com/93-98-twin-turbo-faqs-2/#turbosystem1) but refine the way it works.

Also run a true DBW set-up (http://www.garagewhifbitz.co.uk/index.p ... rsion.html) as the current OEM throttle uses a clutch based system with gearing from a DC motor which is alot slower than a modern equivalent and extremely expensive to replace should it go wrong.

Also allow the ECU to control the Auto/Tiptronic gearbox to eliminate the dangerous kick-down that these Supras are known for. I understand the OEM box will need to be scoped to enable the ECU to do this correctly and that it will be costly but are there things I can do to help get the data required?

I would also like to run the following sensors;

• Bosch Knock Sensor
• MAC 3-Port Boost Control Solenoid (35A-AAA-DDBA-1BA)
• 3 Bar Map Sensor
• Inconel EGT Probe
• Lambda Cable With NTK Sensor
• Oil Temperature Sensor (Engine)
• Air Temperature Sensor (VVTi)
• Oil Pressure Sensor
• Fuel Pressure Sensor

I hope the ECU can do all the above but am unsure if it will have enough space for everything I wish to add.

Future plans include a single turbo conversion should the OEM turbos die and a replacement pair are difficult to source. I will still run the standard 6 injector set-up versus running 12.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long first post.
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby tepid1 on Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:04 pm

The M150 will definitely do what you need and some.

Do you know what package you want to go with yet?
Do you race or plan to race the car?

I've been using my M150 with the development package for a little over a year now and it's been an awesome experience. I would expect the same for you as well.
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Bat_Pig on Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:36 am

So I should have enough space on the M150 to wire up all the sensors, DBW throttle body, DBW pedal and control the autobox without needing the expander?

I have been reading up about the Cody Phillips/John Reed Racing option but living in the UK I'm not sure if I should be looking more local (Dave Rowe or Fraser Mackellar) especially as the US don't have the JDM VVTi Tiptronic Supra.

Maybe I could buy their package then purchase the M150, LTC NTK, level 2 data logging from a UK dealer and have them make the VVTi loom as well.

I don't have any plans to track or race the car, that may change though ;)
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:17 pm


With the M150, you will have enough inputs available to run the sensors that you have listed, as well as the DBW system.

There are two questions regarding what you want that could cause an issue, dependant on the answer given.

With the EGT probe, is this a K-Type probe? if so, you will need to use a Thermocouple Amplifier (P/N 58008) to convert the signal from the TC into an AV signal that the M1 can read. http://motec.com.au/sensors/temperature/ You can also use the E888 if you need more expansion.

With the transmission, what signals does it need from the ECU to function, and in what format are they presented? depending on the information needed, this may require a custom module to be built to generate the output signals from the M1.
Stephen Dean
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby tepid1 on Tue Jun 21, 2016 5:21 pm

JRR is a great source for a package. He has helped me develop mine as well. Really great guy.

For me, I use the Racegrade TC8 and monitor all individual cylinder EGT's. I was able to use this even on GPR. It didn't eat up any analog inputs as it's CAN based. It's about 2-3x more than a single thermocouple amplifier. It was a no brainer for me.
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Bat_Pig on Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:23 am

SDean wrote:Hi,

With the M150, you will have enough inputs available to run the sensors that you have listed, as well as the DBW system.

There are two questions regarding what you want that could cause an issue, dependant on the answer given.

With the EGT probe, is this a K-Type probe? if so, you will need to use a Thermocouple Amplifier (P/N 58008) to convert the signal from the TC into an AV signal that the M1 can read. http://motec.com.au/sensors/temperature/ You can also use the E888 if you need more expansion.

With the transmission, what signals does it need from the ECU to function, and in what format are they presented? depending on the information needed, this may require a custom module to be built to generate the output signals from the M1.

Hi and thanks for the feedback.

Yes I have a K-type probe fitted, which EGT probe would work directly with the M150 without the need for P/N 58008?

Regarding the transmission I'm unsure, my knowledge there is extremely limited unfortunately. The tiptronic Supra is a bit of a dark horse, it wasn't produced outside of Japan and any technical literature is in Japanese unfortunately!

It is rather old tech (more auto than tiptronic) and certainly no where near the modern equivalent. It has recently been mapped on a newly release aftermarket ECU although I believe there are a few issues that need ironing out mot make it run like OEM. I'll see what if anything I can find out.

tepid1 wrote:JRR is a great source for a package. He has helped me develop mine as well. Really great guy.

For me, I use the Racegrade TC8 and monitor all individual cylinder EGT's. I was able to use this even on GPR. It didn't eat up any analog inputs as it's CAN based. It's about 2-3x more than a single thermocouple amplifier. It was a no brainer for me.

Are you running John's Supra package or one of the other packages he offers?
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Bat_Pig on Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:08 am

SDean wrote:With the transmission, what signals does it need from the ECU to function, and in what format are they presented?

I have been told 12 volts on or off... is that what you meant?
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Stephen Dean on Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:56 am

It may be that the GPR-P Package will be the more suitable option for this car, due to the extra gearshift functions built in to the Package. If you are in England, I would advise talking directly to MoTeC Europe's Tech Department regarding this gearbox combo.
Stephen Dean
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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby Bat_Pig on Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:40 am

SDean wrote:It may be that the GPR-P Package will be the more suitable option for this car, due to the extra gearshift functions built in to the Package. If you are in England, I would advise talking directly to MoTeC Europe's Tech Department regarding this gearbox combo.

I looked into this package but it seemed overkill for controlling an old tech autobox using a hi-stall.

Not sure if this link will help at all?

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Re: M150 ECU The Right Choice? Enough Space?

Postby tepid1 on Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:13 pm

I have a development license and he does the writing/coding for me. It's a custom package for what I need and want.
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