M1 Tune software Released.

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

M1 Tune software Released.

Postby JamieA on Mon May 28, 2012 4:43 pm

The First release of MoTeC M1 Tune Software is available from MoTeC website:

System Requirements:
• Operating systems: Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or above), Vista or 7, 32 or 64 bit.
• Minimum screen resolution: 1366 x 768. (Recommended: 1600 x 1200 or greater)
• Communications Port: Ethernet Port.
• Communications Protocol: IPv6.
• Internet Explorer 7. (Recommended: Internet Explorer 8 or above)
• Administrator privileges are required for installation.
• Any active firewalls may need to be updated to allow:
o Inbound and Outbound Multicast DNS traffic (IPv6) on UDP port 5353
o Outbound X
o CP traffic (IPv6) on UDP port 5555

Version - (25 May 2012)
New in this release:

Fast ethernet based communications.
Industry standard public/private key security system.
Multiple independent data logging systems.
User configurable tuning workspaces.
Familiar look and feel based on the "i2" user interface.
Extensive package help system explaining the purpose of each Parameter, Channel and Table as it is selected.
PC based recording of ECU channels that can be paused and analysed whilst still connected to an ECU.
Live engine tuning with "Quick Lambda" - can also be performed using PC recorded data.
Dynamic package based pin listing including detailed pin usage information.
Table manipulation functions including smooth and interpolation.
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby AdamW on Mon May 28, 2012 10:13 pm

Wow - I just had a 10minute play with it and my initial impression is its real nice. Seems easy to navigate and everything can be found relatively intuitively (although I didnt try any of the old "hotkeys" yet).

PC based recording of ECU channels that can be paused and analysed whilst still connected to an ECU.
Live engine tuning with "Quick Lambda" - can also be performed using PC recorded data.
Table manipulation functions including smooth and interpolation.
Some of this I has been missing from Motec's software for a long time - Now I really want one! I can only hope that one of the lower-end versions falls within my price range...

Nice job Motec!
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby Motorsport Eng. on Tue May 29, 2012 7:25 am

Good job boys!!
Finally we can tell to our customers that they can really start to play with!! ;) ;) ;)
Andrea Torniero
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby Fast_Moto on Wed May 30, 2012 3:10 am

One quick comment. I really liked the fact that you could add a separate help box in the earlier versions. It is a shame that option was removed. Having the help box be part of the "Calibrate" or "Channel List" box takes up too much space when you have several of those boxes on one screen. I would make it an option to have a separate help box that changes depending on which box is currently being used in a worksheet.
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby Fast_Moto on Wed May 30, 2012 3:12 am

One quick comment. I really liked the fact that you could add a separate help box in the earlier versions. It is a shame that option was removed. Having the help box be part of the "Calibrate" or "Channel List" box takes up too much space when you have several of those boxes on one screen. I would make it an option to have a separate help box that changes depending on which box is currently being used in a worksheet.
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby JamieA on Wed May 30, 2012 9:41 am

we replaced that with the F1 key flyout help.

if you select any item, then press F1, the help flys out so you can read it.

it stays there till you press F1, and it hides again.

this was done to try to make the best use of the screen real estate.

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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby Fast_Moto on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:55 pm

Just as an FYI, when attempting to install M1 Tune v 1.3 on a Windows 7 64 bit computer on a drive other than the c: drive, the program will fail to install and report Error 1721, problem with Windows Installer package. It installs fine on the c: drive. Also, Windows uninstall does completely remove the program. Neither problem presents with the older version.
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby schakl on Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:58 pm

Hope I understand it correct: with M1 you will have a software to build different firmware for the M1 hardware (M1build). Building the firmware with M1build you have to define which parameters, tables and data must be calibrated. With the M1tune software you can then calibrate these defined parameters, tables, .. of the matching firmware on a running M1 ECU.
If it's working in this way its similar to modern ASAM implemented series ECU with hex and a2l file.

You will offer 5 preprogrammed firmware versions which endusers must calibrate only, but also give the possibility for experienced customers to do their own firmware based on one of these 5 preprogrammed or maybe from scratch.

Is the M1build software available now, or is there a time table for the M1build release?

regards, klaus.
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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby JamieA on Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:56 am

the big change to the M1 ECU range from the M800 series is that M800 is one firmware. Everyone has to use that one firmware, and modify it to suit their applicaion.

With M1, we use Build to make firmware specifically for an applicaion. That way it can be more appropriately tailored to the requirements of the task.

The M1 Tune software is independant of the firmware, so it will be used with the Seadoo package, the R35 Package, the V8 Supercar package etc, etc.

Build is not at present going to be publically made available. We are looking into if and how we could make it available.

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Re: M1 Tune software Released.

Postby stevieturbo on Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:00 pm

JamieA wrote:Guys,
the big change to the M1 ECU range from the M800 series is that M800 is one firmware. Everyone has to use that one firmware, and modify it to suit their applicaion.

And what are the negatives on having a flexible ecu that can be easily used for multiple engines ?

I can only see negatives on an ecu that is restricted to use on a single engine, unless that ecu is very cheap.

What benefit does the M1 actually offer then ? ( I havent tried the software etc )
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