(M142-GPRD) 12V4 Faults

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

(M142-GPRD) 12V4 Faults

Postby HashemMi on Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:50 am


I'm installing and setting up an M142 with GPRD package, i've built the package from a GP Diesel V1.1.25.
M142 is connected through a PDM30 to a 12v battery Supplying:12.01Volts. with 0.5A being drawn.
Attached a picture showing the mentioned.

In M1 Tune i get a Low Fault in ECU.Internal 12V4.Diagnostic @6.753 Volts. i read in This post that this is an internal channel that is supposed to monitor the 12v4 internal rail. In that post the problem was that it was being referenced from the battery directly.
-what could be causing the issue on my side?
-any thing i am missing during setup ?
-if this is not an actual issue, would changing the low/high values be ok as a work around ? as i don't to create a habbit of ignoring the warning lights.

Thank you.
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Re: (M142-GPRD) 12V4 Faults

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:55 am

See below for a much better answer....
Last edited by David Ferguson on Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
David Ferguson
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Re: (M142-GPRD) 12V4 Faults

Postby NathanB on Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:52 am

Hi Hashem,

The 12V4 is the supply rail to the DI injector drive capacitors with is supplied by the INJ_D boost supply. There are two different sources for this rail, based on the configuration of the ECU. When the ignition current source is on, the rail is supplied by the INJ_D boost supply, and will read around 12.47V + / - 0.17V

When no ignition resources are assigned or incorrectly configured or if the injector outputs are incorrectly configured, the 12V4 supply will be supplied from the 7V rail via a diode when the ignition current is off. This will read around 6.7 +/- 0.2V.

When the ignition current is off, the IGN_LS current source and INJ_D boost supply is disabled.

You will need to check your configuration issues. Based on your diag screen you have the incorrect number of ignition outputs allocated. This will disables the ignition current source, causing your 12V4 to read 6.7V as explained above.

The fact that you also have Injector Supply Diagnostics (this is for the boosted voltage that you command for the DI injectors based on your fuel output supply voltage and your boost time configuration) and invalid open times suggests that you may also need to review your primary injector settings for your DI injectors.
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Re: (M142-GPRD) 12V4 Faults

Postby HashemMi on Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:58 pm

Thank you, i appreciate the thorough response, i fully understand now.
I'm Still setting up the system, this is why i have many errors. I guess i should've waited till everything was ready to crank, my apologies.
the ignition error is because i was using the ignition as a signal for the timing light. the injectors on this engine shall be driven directly by the injector outputs.
Thank you again, this is my first MoTeC system, first diesel, and a development package, so some panicking here and there.
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