Cruise Control Switch with only momentary switches

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Cruise Control Switch with only momentary switches

Postby rayhall on Sat Dec 11, 2021 11:43 am

I am trying to get the cruise control to work on my car. I am using the Nissan Patrol cruise switch assembly. I believe it is no different to any other cruise control switch . It has a series of momentary press buttons that change the resistance on on wire going to a volt input. I have attached the circuit of the switch.
I have the switch connected to Analog Volt 1 input as Driver Rotary Switch 2. When I press and of the buttons the correct function indicates it is on while the button is pressed.
I cannot get the ECU to show the Cruise Control state correctly when I press the cruise on/off button . Is a latched button required, or does the car had to be moving for it to stay on .
Nissan Patrol Cruise control Switch
Cruise_control_wiring_late.jpg.jpg (89.75 KiB) Viewed 3464 times
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Re: Cruise Control Switch with only momentary switches

Postby NathanB on Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:37 pm

Hi Ray,

It can and does work with most OE multi position switches that have momentary operation when configured to a rotary switch.

As covered in the help, the driver cruise on switch is triggered on the rising edge. When used on a multi position switch which is configured as a rotary switch, the driver cruise on and cruise off switch need to be configured on the same position of the rotary switch to give a toggle operation.

What often can cause issues with the system when configured off a multi position switch is when the on/off position is the lowest position of the rotary switch - this makes it the most prone to getting re-toggled when higher positions for set/coast etc are selected. to minimise he instances of this, the voltage filter on the rotary switch may need to be adjusted.

You also need to make the distinction between the cruise enable and the cruise state being on. There is a 40km/h cruise speed minimum for the cruise control system. When the cruise control is activated, cruise enable has the cruise control state. When the system is active (cruise control is actively targeting a vehicle speed of >=40km/h) cruise state will be on.

For the system to be enable in the first place you need to have a cruise exit button configured, and it not to be in fault. The brake switch cannot be in fault or unknown, and the engine cannot be stopped

Everything is outlined in the help for the logic order of the cruise control system
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Re: Cruise Control Switch with only momentary switches

Postby rayhall on Mon Dec 13, 2021 7:16 pm

Thank you. I now have the buttons correct.
Posts: 108
Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:54 am

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