Fuel consumption

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

Fuel consumption

Postby Dantla on Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:27 pm


I have a M130 with GPA package and would like to calculate the fuel consumption of the engine. M1 Tune offers a channel for 'Vehicle Speed [km/h]' and 'Fuel Volume [uL]'. How can I add a channel, that applies a filter to Fuel Voume and prints the fuel consumption [l/100km] ?

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Re: Fuel consumption

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:38 am


This is not possible in the M1 unless a custom firmware is made, it is possible to be done in i2 and some of the Dashes.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Fuel consumption

Postby Dantla on Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:16 pm

Hi Stephen,

Alright, I was already afraid of that. But as I want to read out the Fuel consumption via CAN, I could also calculate it externally. Therefore I would need to know, if Fuel Volume and Speed are transfered automatically via CAN and how I can find out their adresses. Can you give me a hint where I find Info about that?

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Re: Fuel consumption

Postby parsonsj on Sun Oct 24, 2021 5:03 am


In my GPR-based firmware M150 there's an "ECU Fuel Used" in the output CAN stream. I pick that up in my AiM MXS dash and display it. That's the fuel used since the ECU was started. There's also an ability to calibrate that (via %modifier) in Tune for better accuracy. I use this on my Radical (which doesn't have a fuel gauge) to keep track of fuel used over time.
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Re: Fuel consumption

Postby Sali830 on Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:35 pm

parsonsj wrote:Kilan,

In my GPR-based firmware M150 there's an "ECU Fuel Used" in the output CAN stream. I pick that up in my AiM MXS dash and display it. That's the fuel used since the ECU was started. There's also an ability to calibrate that (via %modifier) in Tune for better accuracy. I use this on my Radical (which doesn't have a fuel gauge) to keep track of fuel used over time.

That ia a great trick.
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