M150 for mercedes M157 and family

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M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby Victorgarage on Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:55 pm

Is it possible ?
What package i need to use.
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:12 am

What is your intended use? Drag racing, Road racing, Off Shore Powerboat?
What other MoTeC devices will you have connected via CAN? I assume LTC, but Dash and/or PDM / Keypad?
What do you need the ECU to communicate with any Non-Motec devices over the CAN bus?
David Ferguson
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby Victorgarage on Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:33 am

Hello again David, thanks for responce..
As i recall you did mercedes benz already right?
Mostly on daily street car
Dash if possible hope to work with stock.
But if not.. then i will use motec dash.
Transmission will be a340 supra from ATF
Or motec can handle the benz transmission also?
Engine and trans come from G63AMG by the way.
Motec LTC is a must i think. I will use both.
Does motec has piezzo injector calibrations?
It will run 8 DI with m157
I did not need any keypad.. as the car wont be need multiple map options.
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby David Ferguson on Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:41 am

Street car -- integrating with OEM electronics. That's a huge project -- too big for me. I'm sure it's possible, but would require Build License and custom firmware I expect.

I've never done a Mercedes engine.
David Ferguson
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:01 pm

To run a DI engine that has not been previously calibrated by MoTeC will require a lot of work on the engine using the OEM ECU to reverse engineer the operating parameters for the DI injectors and HPFP. Getting this information is critical to getting a DI engine running correctly, and if the incorrect information is used then you will break the injectors and possibly the engine. Piezo injectors are not tolerant of being driven incorrectly, it is very easy to break the piezo crystal if the voltage and current used to drive them is outside of their operating parameters.

We have not done this engine or vehicle.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby Victorgarage on Tue Mar 30, 2021 4:52 pm

Thanks again
Stephen and david.
I wont try to use stock can for oe display and everything.
Because its going to be different
The oe car is V6NA engine
The 157 engine is V8 biturbo
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby Victorgarage on Thu Aug 19, 2021 2:35 am

Dean or anyone?
Any help on this ?
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Re: M150 for mercedes M157 and family

Postby NathanB on Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:30 am

- M150 will not have the ability to drive the Piezo injectors

- An M141 will be required to drive the injectors

- We have some Mercedes Piezo settings on file, however scope captures of both the injector operating on a stock ECU and the same for the pump control would be required to ensure both were driven correctly without causing damage,

- We do not offer a GPR-DI package with transmission control. If you wanted MoTeC transmission control, you would need to additionally order a M130, and use a GP-AT package to run the M130 as a TCU. Our trans control packages only support transmissions with 5 forward gears, and there are specific output limitations on how many shift and pressure control solenoids are available. As the M157 usually comes behind the Mercedes 722.9 (7 forward and 2 reverse gears) this is not possible to control.

Outside of the Injectors and pumps, you would need to see if we had calibrations for the DBW throttles, the pressure and temp sensors, you would also need to scope various actuators to check drive type and operating frequency.

To run this engine you need to control:
-8x direct injectors
-8x coil packs
-2x high pressure fuel pumps (which are mounted on the same camshaft from memory)
-4x cam actuators
-1x DBW motor
-1x PWM controlled intercooler pump
-1x PDM controlled low pressure fuel pump
-1x high frequency proportioning boost control solenoid

At this point you are well out of half bridges, will be adding external recirculating diode circuits for a few items as they will need to run on low side outputs, and we haven't controlled the fan, alternator, or any power up or control relays at this point.

You have failed to mention what vehicle this combination would be going into, so we have no idea on who the vehicle requirements are. If it is a Mercedes of similar era for instance, the lack of CAN integration will cause issues, with the dash, body control and ABS/Traction control systems, making it highly unsuitable for use as a daily driven street car.

The scope of the project you are asking about is beyond the capabilities of even 90% of our dealers. To even work out if it is plausible to achieve, and how many devices are required to achieve it, you would need to carry out extensive reverse engineering on the destination vehicle, and the donor engine running in a stock vehicle.

From there you will need to work out based on all the i/o requirements if you will have enough i/o resources on a M141 ecu to run the engine. If not, if some of these items can be managed with an additional device (PDM), or whether the project is not in the scope of what's currently achievable.

The answers to many of the above questions will no be found on here, or the HPA forums. It requires time invested with vehicles available to reverse engineer.
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