AC Request on Digital 4 Pin D17

Discussion and Support for MoTeC's M1 series ECUs

AC Request on Digital 4 Pin D17

Postby rayhall on Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:22 pm

Hello ,
I have my AC request wire connected to Digital 4 input (pin D17), When I turn on the AC my fool pedal signals go out of range. My AC Request is battery voltage +13.8 volts. I was told the voltage is too high for a digital input and the excess voltage was bled off to the +5v bus and messing with my FP range settings. Is this true. What is the solution'. All the other brand ECU I have used where +14 volt tolerant.
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Re: AC Request on Digital 4 Pin D17

Postby David Ferguson on Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:31 am

I think you would be OK using a Universal Digital (UDig) input, they can handle a high voltage inputs and the pullup can be switched off (so won't affect the 3V or 5V supplies), unlike the Fixed Digital inputs that are designed for switches.
David Ferguson
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