M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

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M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

Postby nuk1ear on Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:20 am

Hi all,
Using an M130 GPA base package on a EJ20 (non-AVCS version 6). I was thinking to allocate an auxiliary output to run a solid state relay to modulate the DCCD unit. To do so, i wanted to utilise a 4d map including TPS/YAW (3d, with duty cycle output) and using speed as the 4th dimension.

Are all auxiliary outputs locked for customization of their relevant inputs? I cannot see any way to use YAW to build a custom auxiliary output map anywhere. I hope this doesn't require a custom firmware setup (or buying a motec diff controller), was not planning on going down that path as the GPA package does everything I require otherwise.
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Re: M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

Postby z0mgchris on Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:08 am

unfortunately you cannot change the designated channels in the GP* firmwares. Have you considered a targetted package for your car that may do it already, if one is available? Some already developed firmware packages allow selecting of the channels etc like you would find on other ecu's....

Maybe one day we will see this be a feature offered in the M1 ECU's out of the box.
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Re: M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

Postby nuk1ear on Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:18 am

Thanks for that. So it is as I thought then, thats very unfortunate. In other words, to define any auxiliary output customisations requires a custom firmware and hence a developer license. Thats a bit frustrating.

I have had a look for some other packages from various companies but no luck to date.
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Re: M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

Postby tepid1 on Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:08 am

There are other packages that Motec offers that allow customization of the inputs and outputs. What is the vehicle used for?
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Re: M130 GPA and Auxiliary output Customisation

Postby nuk1ear on Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:47 pm

Car will mostly be road and odd track day. I am looking for a package which doesn't cost a fortune but allows me to simply customise an output as per my original post. It is a little frustrating, its quite a simple outcome I am looking to achieve.

Even better if I could play with the remaining outputs on the unit.
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:38 pm

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