Using an h pattern with motec's gear estimation. Works well except when I launch the car. Despite the gear ratio estimate being in range for the required delay, it doesn't find its in first gear. So when it leaves launch mode it goes to default power levels (torque by gear) which is clearly a problem. I don't want to change the default tq to 1st gear levels, since that could impact shifts.
Input? I know I would be better off adding some linear pots to the shift linkage so I know shift position, but hoping I can make something work near term...
attached is the log with a launch at about 8:44. For ref, first gear is 2.979 with a tolerance of .1 and a 200ms delay
I could widen the tolerance which would cause it to mix up taller gears, but I don't really need the ECU to know the difference between 4,5,6.
increased gear tolerance to .125 and reduced delay to .100, no change. It finds 1st gear no problem when pulling away from a stop normally, but simple doesn't recognize the gear when in launch mode even those gear est ratio seems to be good to go.
Increased tolerance to .175 and it seems to be working, but still seems to take longer than it should. I realize the wheel spin causes noise in the wheel speeds by the nature of it, but the gear ratio est IS correct for long enough and with in tolerance to calculate WAY sooner.