Individual cylinder injector flow data?

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Individual cylinder injector flow data?

Postby Mobne on Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:32 am

I have flow tested my injectors so i know the exact flow on each.
I can't seem to find how to enter that in the software?
I only have fuel injector primary.

Are you forced to calculate this in % and use cylinder fuel trim?
I would expect to be able to enter the injector data individually on each cylinder number also?
Am Im just missing something?
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Re: Individual cylinder injector flow data?

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:39 am

Generally a single injector is characterized for use as the baseline.

Sets of injectors are tested and matched (as a set) so that you have little cylinder-to-cylinder variation.

I would suggest you average your flow data, and use that as the injector characterization.

If your injectors have more than a couple of percent variation, then it may be worth setting up individual cylinder trims, but if you've used the average data, then change should be very small.
David Ferguson
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Re: Individual cylinder injector flow data?

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:21 pm

Injector flow test data is not the same as the injector characterisation data that the M1 uses.

We did used to have characterisation tables for individual injectors, but went away from that as it caused issues with data not being updated correctly. With new injectors, the variance between them is minimal so a base calibration will work. If you want to individually trim each cylinder, I would highly recommend using a lambda sensor in each pipe, rather than the flow bench data as this will give you a true representation of the combustion in that cylinder, including variations in the air flow to each cylinder.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: Individual cylinder injector flow data?

Postby Mobne on Fri Aug 28, 2020 2:59 am

That explains why i did not find it, the video i found was with older firmware then.

I would say my injectors have about 4% difference from the largest to the smallest. Largest is 1340 and smallest 1290. So 50cc at 4bar pressure with e85 fluid.

But then i know i have to adjust this with the trims. Thanks!
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