M1 data logging

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M1 data logging

Postby greenamex2 on Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:07 pm

Apologies for a really dumb question, just want to confirm...

Can the logging in the M1 at any level only log channels used within the M1 for "mapping"?

For instance, the M1 doesn't use suspension position sensors anywhere so the channels aren't defined and you can't log them without a custom build.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby David Ferguson on Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:35 am

Yes. Your understanding is correct. You can only log channels that are defined with the firmware package.

That is why the first thing you add to most racing "vehicle firmware" custom packages is add suspension position channels. We just had to request from another vendor who had those channels the capability to broadcast the suspension info on the CAN bus for use with a Pro Analysis enabled Dash.
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby greenamex2 on Sat Apr 18, 2020 6:52 am

Thanks David. Got a bit of design decision to make then. Have to have a bit of a think about directions.
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Herrubermensch on Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:19 am

Why not run the suspension pots into the dash? That's how my project currently is wired, viz., shock pots, tire temp sensors, steering position sensor and one brake pressure sensor into dash (C125). The balance of my sensors run through my M190, including the front brake pressure sensor from the Bosch M4 ABS. I was assuming I can use info from both the C125 AND the M190 in I2 Pro. Or am I going to have to customize the M190 firmware to do so?

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Re: M1 data logging

Postby David Ferguson on Sat Aug 01, 2020 3:50 am

Some dash's are mounted on the steering wheel, and it's difficult to add extra analog channel wiring. Using unused I/O on the ECU and sending it through the CAN bus is just a way of optimizing the whole system.
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Herrubermensch on Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:56 am

David Ferguson wrote:Some dash's are mounted on the steering wheel, and it's difficult to add extra analog channel wiring. Using unused I/O on the ECU and sending it through the CAN bus is just a way of optimizing the whole system.

Got it. I remember being surprised that the GPR package lacked shock pot sensor setups and thrilled to find them in my C125 so that I could avoid customizing the firmware in M1Build, which is something I've eschewed until they settle the latest version of M1Build.

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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Stephen Dean on Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:20 pm

The reason for not having suspension position into the M1 Firmware is that to log these channels at a high enough rate to do correct analysis on them, you are using up the logging rapidly, as well as putting extra CPU load into the M1 for this. We recommend that vehicle development channels are run and logged through a Dash as they are designed for this work, and leave the M1 to run the engine. If you want to run suspension positions into the M1, my recommendation is to run them to the Dash and let it do the processing and logging, and then CAN the data into the M1.
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Auto Sport Elect on Mon Aug 03, 2020 11:13 pm

So why do GPR Drag, GPR Drag Rotary and GPR Motorcycle have suspension position in the firmware without it causing an issue?
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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Stephen Dean on Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:20 pm

When you only need to log for 15 seconds, it isn't as much of an issue... :D and the bikes only have two sensors, rather than four so less load. 8-)

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Re: M1 data logging

Postby Herrubermensch on Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:19 am

SDean wrote:The reason for not having suspension position into the M1 Firmware is that to log these channels at a high enough rate to do correct analysis on them, you are using up the logging rapidly, as well as putting extra CPU load into the M1 for this. We recommend that vehicle development channels are run and logged through a Dash as they are designed for this work, and leave the M1 to run the engine. If you want to run suspension positions into the M1, my recommendation is to run them to the Dash and let it do the processing and logging, and then CAN the data into the M1.

Makes perfect sense, Stephen. Thank you.

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