M150 GPR Inlet Manifold Flaps

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M150 GPR Inlet Manifold Flaps

Postby rayhall on Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:26 am


The Audi V10 BUH has flaps in the intake manifold runners on each bank. In the software you can select a pin for,

Inlet Manifold Flap Position Bank 1 Sensor
Inlet Manifold Flap Position Bank 2 Sensor

But there is only one Inlet Manifold Flap Actuator Output.

If I connect both actuators to this output, will the flap control work correctly.

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Re: M150 GPR Inlet Manifold Flaps

Postby Stephen Dean on Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:11 pm

Hi Ray,

The Position inputs are only used for diagnostic purposes with the Inlet Flap system. You can setup and run the inlet flaps without position sensor feedback, you just do not get any diagnostic feedback. This system is designed around a system that has a normally open or closed position, and the actuator (typically a solenoid) when activated drives the flaps to the alternate position. When the activation is removed from the actuator, it does not drive the flaps back to the default position (or any position in between), the flap is returned to the default position through an external force, such as a clock spring.

Splitting the output to both flap control solenoids will allow for the M1 to operate both flap control actuators simultaneously.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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Re: M150 GPR Inlet Manifold Flaps

Postby rayhall on Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:34 am


I do not believe that this function is to switch from fully open to closed and the inputs are just for diagnostics.

1. Why have a aim percentage 3D table if there is only two positions.
2. This is a screen shot of the Audi V10 package aim table. It shows control other then fully open and closed http://www.turbofast.com.au/tfbin/Audiv10_FlapTable.jpg

I believe who ever wrote this function forgot to add a output for Bank 2.

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Re: M150 GPR Inlet Manifold Flaps

Postby Stephen Dean on Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:57 pm

Hi Ray,

From the Inlet Manifold Flap Aim help.

This table defines the range for an activated Inlet Manifold Flap Actuator. The table value must be 100% to activate the actuator. The table value must be 0% to deactivate the actuator. Values between 0 and 100% define the hysteresis range.

A significant hysteresis range on both axis' must be provided to prevent a toggling actuator.

The reason for the 50% value in the Audi Package is to stop the flap from toggling between the open and closed request.
Stephen Dean
MoTeC Research Centre Melbourne, Australia
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